Creative Thoughts!

Creative Thoughts!

There are so many different ways to uncover and share your creative thoughts. The hardest part is which form to use to convey your thoughts and to bring people's attention to your creativity.

Everyone has creative thoughts. Most people will say they have no creative abilities whatsoever. However, what they don’t know is that they are being creative 99% of their lives. They are expressing themselves every moment with every step and breath they take.

Just by living their lives and interacting with others, they are sharing their creative thoughts. With everyday and simple life stuff your creative thoughts come out showing your nature as a person.

Every part of your being and the actions you do is creative thought! The unknown is what drives our creative thoughts. We don’t have the control to know what will happen or unfold in front of our paths.

Once that thing or that moment hits you that creative thought changes everything that you are and what you will become! Some will be good at it and some will be very bad at it. Either way, they become part of those creative thoughts that are happening in our minds and right in front of our eyes!

Seeing creative thoughts happens every millisecond. Whether it happens by you or just by watching others. It happens in some shape or form!

Creative thought is an art form that is an inherited feature within every person! We all are trying to show and tell something that not everyone can see and hear about with our creative thoughts.

That is where spoken, written, drawing, photographing, and filming come into play with our creative thoughts. It doesn’t always have the fact of truth and it can also be fact or fiction.

On a personal level that has so many baskets of eggs all on its own! That’s not what this is about though!

The level of creative thoughts that I want to talk about is how people see and hear each other's creative thoughts! Either fact of truth or fact of fiction which I call “Custom Art Visual Entertainment!” C.A.V.E for short!

Whatever we call it, it is a form of expression of either facts or telling a none controllable moment. In our modern time of today, our forms of expression have evolved into a physical illumination of clarity and insight into our creative thoughts or abilities.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what life you are living. Every person has a unique creative thought. From simple learning and understanding to reading, writing, and math!

I want to talk about creative thought from the birth start of social media platforms in 1997. When social media platforms started in 1997 has opened so many doors for our creative thoughts.

Most of our creative thoughts were limited by modern times! It was not until 1997 that the first video-sharing site hosted full video clips. Before and after 1997 the means and the devices to be used or to get your hands on were still so far out of people's reach! The hardware and the cost of those means to get your hands on was very limited and very costly!

Once again you either had the hardware or it was way out of your price range! Eight years later in 2005 a new video-sharing sight was making headlines. By 2006 it had over 25 million views! “Youtube!”

That’s when the creative thought finally had a home and still does to this day! However, this is back in the early 2000s. even then you still needed the hardware or the funding to give your creative thoughts a physical form.

No matter what it always had a very high price tag for these creative thoughts. I always wanted to share my creative thoughts since I was very young. I didn’t give into my creative thoughts until the 1980s I saw Jim Henson’s, Muppets, and Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. I knew right then when I saw those shows that I wanted to share my creative thoughts.

But I was always roadblocked by the means and money to do so! Plus I was always told I had to learn and go to school to be able to do that and have the money! Like a lot of things, it was a huge letdown to me. Because those things depressed me. Even more, no one that I knew wanted to join or help me and share creative thoughts. Or I was chasing an empty dream.

Anything that had to do with my creative thought to the people I knew said I was chasing empty dreams.

40 some years later I am and still have been chasing my creative thought dreams. I didn’t get the chance to go after it until 2009 or 2010. It was still costly back then and I had a small taste of what that creative thought dream felt like. Thirteen years later from 2009 to 2023, the cost of that dream has finally gotten to a fordable price for anyone and their creative thoughts.

About 6 or 7 years before the amount of work and cost to share creative thoughts was a touch-and-go achievement. Then from 2019 to 2021, the world had a huge impact with the Corona illness. It impacted millions of lives. The world of everyday life almost came to an end for a lot of people.

At the same time, it also opened many doors too! It also helped people find or define their creative thoughts. It has also made it harder too. Either way, it has opened people's eyes and how much we take things for granted. Now things are somewhat back to save levels again. It has changed a lot of people and opened their eyes.

The two things about that whole ordeal it caused and the overwhelming rise in sale prices! This is from my point of view and how it was affecting me.

During that time other things were becoming easier for me to expand my reach and acquire things that were far out of my financial expenses to acquire so that I could take my creative thoughts beyond what I wanted to do with them and share them.

It took me about 13 years of ups and more downs than ups to get to where I am now! Those downs were some mind-blowing mental health issues that should have ended my life. For whatever reason I am still here and I am still changing after my dreams. One of which is my creative thoughts!

Creative thoughts in my personal opinion is the missing key link that could have the ability to bring every person together and better understand how people tell their stories! Either it was something that simulated or saddened their our center of life!

The mental energy that it takes to say a single word is something not to take lightly. The mind is the most powerful, stimulating, organic, and dangerous thing that everyone has! Nothing else on the planet can create creative thought like the human mind!

Where and how that creative thought comes to light is anyone’s guess. It can do many things. Your DNA from your parents, schooling, to your day-to-day lifestyle. Each person's mind is an electrical, chemical, and organic flesh computing processing data device.

That is a whole nother kind of rabbit hole to go deeper. This is not what this is about.

What it is about is how people share their creative thoughts or get them out into a physical form for others to see and hear. With that being said most people do know how to get their creative thoughts out in the open and have been doing so for thousands of years. By voice, writing, painting, and drawing! Sculpting, shaping rocks or wood, and construction are also forms of creative thought!

Creative thought happens all around us and within us. To take a famous movie reference. It’s the tools that we use and need to make those creative thoughts and bring them to a physical form.

When those creative thoughts become a physical form. That thought is no longer What if! It become reality. Many people and myself have been told you live in a fantasy world and you don’t know anything about reality.

If we’re living in a fantasy made-up world! Then what world have you been living in and for that matter what world for the last million years has all of humanity been living in then? Everything we have today was made up in a fantasy world threw creative thoughts! You wouldn’t have lights and cell phones if someone didn’t have the creative thought to make them into reality. All of them came from a level of creative thought.

The creative thought I am talking about has many different levels and dynamic intentions as all creative thought has.

Some people have a higher intent and some have a lower intent.

Let's go into the level of intent in writing, entertainment, and visual art world and that is the main focus of this article.

After the Corona pandemic in 2020, things finally started to get better and people were not afraid to go anywhere once again. However, a lot of people had lost their jobs and had to find other work if they could.

Like me, many more people wanted and did Youtube than any other time since 2004. Yet, a lot of people still didn’t have the means or the finances to do so. Because everything was still at a higher price for 95% of the people that could do them.

In 2020 a lot of the pricing for commercial use camera products was becoming much cheaper than in the last 13 years. Some of those prices were in the thousands of dollar range. Still, it depends on the type and the level of camera gear that you were looking for.

Those of us who have simple creative thoughts just want to be able to express ourselves without having to have other people's blessing or approval and don’t have to follow the same steps or rules that have been repeated over and over again.

Take the TV and Movies' point of view. Just before the digital age of films. Everyone wanted to be in the filmmaking world. They either did it as a hobby or to document some parts of their lives and to remember for years later. The hobbies and the memories didn’t have to follow any rules or have limits. No restrictions to creating or documenting their video films.

However, as time went on their creative thoughts started to take shape and go beyond their original intent.

Those who were taking their creative thought to greater and higher intentions had to join in with others who had the same intention as they did. They called them gilds, writers gild, actors associations, motion picture gild, and many other groups to create and take their creative thoughts to higher levels for everyone to see and hear. A lot of them refused to do that. Because by joining those associations they lose a lot of their creative thoughts or are not allowed to have them in their productions. In other words, it is no longer that person's creative thought. They had to follow rules and were restricted from creating their creative thoughts openly and freely.

One of them is now one of if not the one person that has changed the whole inter-creative thought presses in the world. He too was restricted from following rules to create his films. The man directed six films before his now well-known name and films. He too had to be a part of those groups to make his films.

It wasn’t until the 7th film he was creating that was going to change the whole filmmaking world and set new standards for producing films. This man was stopped and at every turn, he made from making his film. Only because he went beyond his creative thought and just about broke every rule book and leveled those associations to create this film.

It left him in a state where he didn’t want to make films anymore. He wanted to quit. The rules and the associations were trying to sue him and level him so broke that he wouldn’t return. They forced his hand to make the worst deals in movie-making history. By the end of making the 7th film, he was broke in so many ways!

They wanted to drive him out because he was not following their rules or wouldn’t play the game by their rules! These groups had a plan to drive him out and level him broke. They were hoping that his 7th film would be a complete bust and they would throw him out of the Hollywood filmmaking world!

The year 1977, was the year his film was released. Keep in mind the Hollywood people were hoping that his film was going to be a complete bust!

On the opening day in 1977 every theater that was going to show his film. Lines beyond lines of people waiting to get in to see his film! No other film since then has ever had the turnout that his 7th film did! Not even the Lion King!

People in Hollywood flipped their intent to push him out and tried to bring him back in and wanted him to make more films!

That was not the shocking part of that whole ordeal either! When he got an okay to make another film. All his previous partners thought they were going to be a part of something great again. He said. “NO!” I'm doing this on my own now! He had made enough money from his film to make another. That too almost left him broke in so many different ways as well! Just because he told them No, and so with they tried to prevent him once again and stop him from making his film. Because he wouldn’t sign a deal with them. So he had to make some more bad deals to make his next film happen even thou he had all the many from the first film.

It is now 2023 he is the one person who has changed the whole filmmaking world as we see it today! Now having his own film companies he can make all the films he wants and help others make their films as well! He is the founding father of ILM studios, and Lucas Film, Mr. Gorge Lucas of Star Wars!

He is one of many faces of filmmaking Mount Rush More faces of our time today in my personal opinion! The Godfathers of film making if you will!

James Cameron, Gorge Lucas, Jeremy Bruchhimer, Ridley Scout, Gene Roddenberry, Glen A. Larson, Stephan J. Cannell, and Steven Spielberg! Everyone said they live in a fantasy world growing up and yet they have changed the whole world with their creative thoughts in filmmaking writing and film!

Now we can do the same thing they did. For the past 30 years, it has been very hard for a lot of us to make our creative thoughts into something more than just a thought! It just all depends on which direction and where you want to start.

You want to do something with entertainment. What part of your entertainment do you want to do is the question?

Everyone these days wants to jump into their creative thoughts in making videos and short films to upload onto YouTube or other video-sharing sights!

90% of them don’t have the basic items or the basic understanding of how to achieve that goal! Yet, they do!

I will explain! Long story short they want to jump right into the nest and think they are going to be the next big thing with their creative thought. In some cases that does happen. However, those who do have a basic idea or have the basic know-how do it the right away.

What about those who have little or no idea how to achieve that? I don’t mean you have to follow everyone else footpath to achieve your goal!

You should do some basic research and learn how to upload and set up your video streaming the right way! Anyone can upload to Facebook and TikTok and such. Those two are probably the easiest to do. If you want to go beyond that you just need some basic understanding of how that part works and is done!

There are also other ways to get your creative thoughts out there. Writing and audio. Those two are the easiest to get started with as well.

For me, I can do all those things fairly well. The main thing that is holding me back is how to achieve them, get them in front of the right people, and have the tools to do so!

Putting in the work is not an issue for a lot of us. It's having the tools and the approach to presenting your creative work is the hard part. As I said the work is not the issue for a lot of people. Like me, it is how we get the work into or in front of the people that we want to see!

First, let's talk about the tools for creative thoughts and how you want to use them. Depending on which style of your creative thought is or how to do will have a huge foundation in your journey. Some of you are more of a hands-on or physical kind of creative thought person. Others are more of a visual and sound creative thought person.

People like me are both. When I was growing up to this day I was more of a physical and visual type of learner and creative thought person than I am right now. I didn’t like the whole writing of my creative thoughts back then only because I lacked the writing skills to tell stories that I wanted to tell. As I got more into the writing I got judged and belittled for my writing skills. I had trouble with spelling, grammar, structure, and punctuation. Still do to this day. 30 years later we now have computers, spell checks, a friend to help me, and software to help me with this. However, I still have trouble with it. Even with the tools of today. It has improved my weak spots and I have gotten better at writing. But I still mess up!

My writing back then was very bad and I put it on hold. Then I went with the visual, verbal, and physical creative thought to telling my stories. Some big stones were standing in my way with that too. A lot of people didn’t understand what or how I would tell my stories because I would use or take parts of other stories. Plus that was my only way of getting my point across because I didn’t know how else to talk to people without it.

As time went on I started to understand that I had a special creative thought. One day my way of creative thought will catch the attention of some special people like me. I didn’t understand this for many years! All I knew was that I wanted to be noticed and taken seriously with my creative thought.

Even my own family gave me such crap about how I saw things or think about things! I was always told by my mom that just about everything is fake. I had to follow the rules and do what I was told to do or there was hell to pay. To this day it still haunts me in the back of my mind! Aside from that I still wanted to share my creative thoughts.

No matter my dream or heart in creating and sharing my thoughts I was stuck with speed bumps, roadblocks, and a lack of tools to take my creative thoughts to higher levels.

What tools I did have and could use still left me lost and confused as to who and where to turn to for further help.

Even thou my spelling and grammar were lacking I still pushed myself. Having paper, pencils, and pens. I turned to drawing and illustrations. That was a way for me to get one of my many creative thoughts down on paper. Some liked it some did not!

Creative thoughts have a huge impact on people. Mine is so huge it never stops. One thought becomes many more thoughts off of one thought.

It overwhelms me and I have a hard time focusing on just one or no less the 5 at the same time. Even with just one thought I end up having hundreds of thoughts on how to improve it or come up with more thoughts for other things.

A lot of what holds me back besides the tools. If I don’t have all the tools or the right information to execute my creative thought into a physical form I normally wait until I have what is needed or I end up thinking of other things that I can do till I have the rest of the final tools for the original thought!

As I was saying earlier a lot of the tools that are needed the prices for them have come down. Also, there has been a huge improvement in products that are also cheaper in price has changed the game too!

Things that would cost eighty to hundreds of dollars. Most of the tools that are out on the market now cost about a hundred dollars or less to get every item that you need. That was about 15 years ago too! More so now with those who want to do streaming and uploading videos. You just need a budget of a hundred dollars and you can get everything that you need today in 2023.

Now some of you will say you need this or that and you have to have high-end stuff to do it with. No, you don’t.

However, if you are trying to do something on a higher end of what your creative thought is and you are going after something important to you and the level of your creative thought is. Then that is justifiable in my book and I can respect that too.

It’s not bad to have something on the low end too. The low end can get you off to a good start until you have the high-end stuff.

For me thou I am more in between the high and the low-end stuff when I start my creative thought. I look at what I can afford and what I can do on the low end without having to do too much work. At the same time, it also gives me more creative thoughts to see what I can make and use of what I have on hand until I have all the items and tools that I want to finish with or to create with.

I have 90% of all the basic tools now to get started. However, I have two other items and projects that I need to get more information on and how to achieve them without having to overwork the creative or overspend my budget for them.

You can go to Walmart now and get most of your camera gear that you need or want for your streaming and video needs. Now 98% of you already have a video camera of some kind. If you have a cell phone you have a camera. But you need other things to make it more movie-making style.

Lights, microphones, holders, and tripods. Some of those things you can use around the house and make yourself. Each one of those can take some time if you build them yourself and that is where most of your creative thought work is going to happen.

That’s just to do basic streaming or video-type filming. A lot of people just jump right in feet first without doing any of the leg work or reviewing the processing of how the whole video viewing works. Some quit before it even has a chance to take off. Many expect to take off right away as soon as they post or upload their creative thought to the world. Depending on what your overall goal and objective are. If you are being completely random with no sires intent it may take a while to get or to see your work. Most people today want to use TikTok to get their name or fame as soon as possible. Again it will depend on what your objective is. If you are doing a lot of random stuff with no real intent behind it you may not get the reactions that you want. Then again you might get other reactions that you may not like too!

It will depend on your creative thought and what you want your intentions are.

As I’ve said before a lot of people will jump in feet first before doing any of the leg work. Doing the most basic creative thoughts can be the most mind-braking energy. Any or all those who are into producing, writing, and directing TV and Movies will tell you it will either bring you a lot of enjoyment or it will test every level of mental health you have!

To me, that’s what happens when you go full-blast into your creative thoughts. I have done this many times and it made me not want to do my creative thoughts anymore. I wanted to quit. I took a step back and thought threw it more. If I do this I need to find ways that it wouldn’t overload my brain and have a complete mental meltdown. Because I was too eager to get it made and done!

At the same time, I had to start with something smaller than starting out with a big gun. Some of us don’t have the resources to start with a big gun right out of the gate like you see coming out of Hollywood!

Realer I said I had two tow other projects to figure out to start my creative thought visual art. After I do that there will be one last item to do and to relaunch my visual art sharing.

I will need help from others out there who are trying and doing the same thing that I am trying to achieve. There are many other people out there who are more well-informed than I am in other areas of video sharing of any kind. I lack some of those skills and many out there are far better at what they do and can do than I can.

Finding some of those people is not as easy as others would say or claim. A lot of those people want to get paid. If there is no pay they won’t even talk to you and that is very sad.

Those who have creative thoughts out there want to make money from their thoughts and yours before any else. That to me loses every meaning of Creative Thought and sharing it with others!

There are ways to share creative thoughts without having help. I get that. But once your creative thought starts to get traction or fame people come beating at your door only after the fact when you first asked them for help! Now they see bigger dollar signs than when you were first starting! Some of them have lost all their passion for creating their creative thoughts! Once their dream of sharing their passion with others has now become a self-entitled paid day for them!

There are a rare few out there like Ryan Reynolds and Keno Reeves that are not all about the money! Yes, they make lots of money that is not my point!

The writers from the Dead Pool movies. Their presents were not paid for by Hollywood. They paid them a flat fee and that was it! Ryan wanted them there during the whole time of filming. The studio didn’t have the budget nor was going to pay them to be there!

Ryan paid those writers out of his pocket to be there on set! Ryan even said he didn’t care about the money he wanted to make a hardcore true art form of Dead Pool out of the comics and he didn’t care about the cost either! Because he had a passion for his craft and a love for the comic book Dead Pool!

Keno Reeves has compassion for his fellow actors and co-stars. He makes sure everyone is taken care of and respected! He is one of the very few who has compassion for others, empathy, and mental health.

Even Gen Roddenberry of Star Trek. He and all the people who worked with him have such compassion and human elements that speak about humanity on so many levels no one has been able to tell a human story like them in their TV shows and Movies! The latest TV shows like Star Trek New Worlds. Enough said on that!

As I have said before the tools and executing the creative thoughts into a physical form is the hardest part. Also, having like-minded people to help you along the way can make things a bit harder too.

Connecting to the right people and finding the right tools should not be as hard as it has been in the last 20-plus years or have a huge price tag on it! That is what is stopping a lot of the creative thoughts of hundreds of people in the world!

In the last five years, I have seen a huge shift in those areas. Basic camera gear and tools are getting easier and more affordable. Some people are more willing to help than before! Where to find them or get in touch with them is hard for some of us.?

In the years to come people will have even more ways to get their creative thoughts out into the world easier and faster than it is right now!

Things just need to become more affordable, easier to find the tools, camera gear, and have more people willing to have the compassion and empathy to help each other!

Placing a limit or a price tag on the creative thought is not who we are as a people or as creators! There is no reason for this whatsoever! That is why we have the internet and the digital world.

Some of us just need that little push in the right direction to connect us to make our creative thoughts a reality! People need to get past this whole mental thinking and entitled name superior wave of being better than everyone else.

Knowing and doing are two different things. As well as actions and words! But what are they when you stop and combine all four of those things?

It means something great is unfolding right in front of your eyes and ears!

We need to form a database for those with creative thoughts in the visual arts of all types! Bring people together, connect, talk, help, and bring the best out of each other and help with creating something that is just waiting to be made! With no limits on tools or price tags!

If you are a creator of thoughts and want to work with others then reach out and connect! Empathy, compassion, accountability, and transparency is everything!

If you are a creator of thoughts then reach out and share your skills, tools, gear, compassion, and help each other in bringing their creations to life as they would do for you in return! Pave it forward as someone has paved the way for you! That is the great payment anyone can get from this!

So how much is that worth and price tag to you now?


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