Creative Talent Acquisition

Exclusive industry event at Loughborough University's Arts Degree Show - 4-7pm, 13 June 2017

Graphic Communication and Illustration. Fine Art. Textiles

The 2017 Arts Degree Show industry event is a great opportunity for professionals working in the creative industry to view the exhibition and meet our final year students with their work.

Many of our graduates have gone on to become leading names in art and design, so the show is a fantastic opportunity to view the work of tomorrow's creative stars, today.

The industry event will provide an opportunity for you to:

? Tour the Degree Show and meet face to face with talented Loughborough University Arts students

? Learn more about how your organisation can benefit from recruiting a Loughborough University student on an internship/placement/graduate basis

? Raise the profile of your organisation and promote career opportunities

? Develop a relationship with Loughborough University towards possible future collaboration, including industry research projects

? Relax and enjoy a glass of Pimms and network with employers in your industry

Fee: This is a free event.

Location: Edward Barnsley Building, Epinal Way, Loughborough University, LE11 3TU

Find out more and book a place:

Emma Bagley

01509 222906


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