Be creative problem creators - The new art of selling

Be creative problem creators - The new art of selling

How to increase sales volume? How to get more customers? How to grow business year-on-year? These questions are frequently asked and one can find many answers, can apply several management tools to answer these questions. However, by becoming a creative problem creator, one can definitely get more customers, increase sales, business and become market leader. Based on my 26 years of experience in successful selling using this approach, thought of sharing it. This is a new art/approach of selling in highly competitive market.

Not many like Sales job profile, but do people know that everyone sells every day - themselves, their services, their products or their ideas & thoughts. Hence, to achieve success, one should learn art of selling irrespective of designation or job profile. Working in sales profile is a great opportunity - to develop new & custom designed solutions, help customers by making their work/life better then yesterday and also provide indirect employment to 20 to 30 more people per sales executive. Sales person generally experiences ups & downs many times in their career. Hence, questions about sales growth and how to beat competition in current global economy situation troubles even experienced sales professionals. How can one reduce this gap and ensure above average growth? The Answer is by becoming

"Creative Problem Creator".

How a problem creator can be successful in sales? We generally know, successful sales people actually solve customer problems (Do they create problem?). Yes, sales executives must help customer in solving challenges / problems through matching solutions & problems. In real life, all customers don't know all of their problems/challenges (Even experienced sales people will agree with me). Let's face it. This is reality. Customers often are aware about symptoms and not the real problems. Hence, even after applying some solutions, problems still remain. Hence, this question is one of the most important yet almost everyone overlooks it;

Does customer know they have a problem? Real problem not just symptoms.

By asking this question, sales executive immediately reveal the customer's awareness about their problem. What I mean by becoming creative problem creator is

an approach to uncover or create awareness of problems clients weren't aware they had.

Yes, it's all about awareness. Remember that "if customer doesn't know that they have a problem (right problem) they won't buy product/services". Next time when you would plan your sales & marketing activities, categorize all of your prospects in to 5 levels (as mentioned by Schwartz in his book)

  1. Most Aware: Prospects most aware about products/solutions as well as their problems, evaluated match of their problem with best solution and would only now have to negotiate the deal.
  2. Product Aware: Prospect knows what company sell, but isn't sure whether this product/service will be best for him, and competitor products are also under evaluation.
  3. Solution Aware: Prospects knows the result he wants after product/services used, but is not aware whether company provides this product/services.
  4. Problem Aware: Prospect is aware that she has a problem, but doesn't know which product/service can solve this or whether such solution available or not?
  5. Completely unaware: Prospect has no knowledge of any problem, or solution, except, perhaps only few symptoms and a feeling that somewhere something is wrong. Many times prospects doesn't accept she has a problem.

From above list most of the sales executive are able to close deals for prospects listed in serial number 1 to 4. Hence, there is huge competition among sales executive in providing solutions to them. Only few sales executives are able to engaged potential customers in discussion and uncover problems customer is facing and create awareness of problems that customer wasn't aware she had. Hence, there is very less or no competition is engaging prospects who are completely unaware about problems they are facing. Focus on "Completely Unaware" prospects.

In summary, more aware the customer is of their problems, the more direct sales executives can be dealing with them and will be easy to pursue and conclude the deal (ahead of competitors). Instead of hard selling of product/service features (push mode) just educate potential customer about their problems (Creative problem creation approach) and possible solutions. This will establish credibility/authority of sales person in customer's mind. Once the relationship is at high level, present your right solution. Ideal approach will be "Value---> Relationship --> Solution". It is best way to attract more of the right customers and remain ahead of competitors.

......................................................................... Ketan Gandhi - President & CEO, KgGuruji

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