The creative part in all of us

Being creative is not only about art and artists. It is also about the life we co-create with the Universe. Every time we shine our light. Even when we show up in the world as our authentic selves. Stepping out of our comfort zone. As we drop into our heart chakra. We connect to the Universe and to the Divine within. Our heart chakra is a bridge that connects us. To our lower and upper chakras. By tapping into our heart, we open ourselves up to inspiration.

Each time we have the courage to step into our authentic selves. Or are mindful and aware that we are co-creators with the Universe. We are raising our vibration. As we raise our vibration we become a vibrational match for our desires to become our reality. It is not always easy to stay in a high vibration.

When our vibration dips it is a signal to us. That there is something we need to pay attention to. When we notice the dips we re-connect instantly to our heart. Stepping back and getting a different perspective of the situation. Is the first step in also re-connecting to the Universe. Opening us up to creative inspiration and solutions.

Our setbacks, challenges and vibrational dips are what connects us to being human. Emotions which is just energy in motion. Allow us to access both the Divine and human parts of us. The Universe only understands frequency / vibration. Giving opportunities to move through anything that is low vibration. Which makes room for us to return to flow, balance and feeling centered. Returning once again to our highest, most powerful co-creator selves.


