Creative Mortgage Financing takes center stage..
In today's banking climate there is a lot of uncertainty from rates to regulations. The traditional big bank is at the forefront of most consumers minds even with strict loan guidelines. The Conventional loan can be found almost anywhere with a Google or Yelp search..but what happens when you or your client don't qualify for a conventional loan?
I specialize in CREATIVE MORTGAGE FINANCING for JUMBO loans. Typically Jumbo loans are even more scrutinized for the simple reason you're looking for upwards of $2,000,000 at times. Most local banks won't have an option for a $2mm loan, & if they do your FICO, DTI (debt to income ratio), & overall file has to be near a perfect picture.
I offer an array of products that look closer at your overall financial picture. If you're Self Employed you're able to qualify with Personal or Business BANK STATEMENTS up to $15,000,000 for a Primary/ Second Home/ or Investment property. This is unheard of in our highly conservative industry, you won't hear about a $3,000,000 with only 15% down or a $2,000,000 Investment property with NO INCOME on your application at all..what about a $900k Refinance with a Debt Ratio of 55% & 680 fico? These are all examples of potential loan scenarios with the right compensating factors.
I love helping deserving homeowners Purchase & Refinance their Luxury Real Estate. I take the time to listen & understand my clients unique goals. If no two people are alike, why is everyone trying to qualify for the same loan product?
Take a look at my most recent feature in THE LA TIMES: Celebrity & Luxury Homes for further insight into the unique options I offer!