The Creative Line Up
Every year a wave of fresh, smart and hungry talent break out of their training grounds to join our creative industry. They have fresh ideas, new points of view and more importantly have not yet been exposed to the politics of client agency relationships, the experience and baggage that builds up over years of intense working, let downs as well as hugely proud moments that colour in career paths.
As a result they can be hugely powerful for any agency, harnessed with the right type of experience and guidance. Yes, it takes time to help mature and encourage these new minds, but we are all undeniably in need of them to flourish, lifting the rest of us with them as every other generation.
To help make this a little easier we at LIZH have developed a tool that we think might help you find talent a little quicker and also a bit fairer. With so many other brilliant awards and initiative for the entry level Creatives we wanted to make something that felt more democratic at this level.
Every year we visit a list of colleges and universities that have a strong record of producing great talent as well as organisations that focus on helping people with challenging backgrounds get an insight into our industry. We then built a place where they can all showcase their best work and make it easy for agencies to get in touch with them. The agencies become headhunters, we just created an arena where we try to collect as many inspiring talents as we can to help agencies save time.
We had a great test with Harvard PR before Christmas where they posted a brief to the community with the reward being a 4 months placement. They chose 6 ideas to be presented, loved 3 ideas with one of them getting the 4 month placement.
If you want to know more, please feel free to get in touch or just check it out for yourself at