A Creative Legacy
"Peter went with them, and when he arrived he was taken upstairs to the room. All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them" (Acts 9:39).
Dorcas was an simple woman in an obscure and tiny town who was helping poor people. If she were alive today, she would have a sewing machine, a place to buy a lot of fabric, and a fitting room in her home. Yet she parlayed all that into a creative purpose that caught the attention of Peter, and her legacy was reported and recorded by Luke for all time. That is power of creativity when it is tied to a purpose and used to help other people. Do you see the power in devoting your life to something creative that blesses others? What simple but useful creativity do you have that you can express in a purposeful way? What evidence would others produce that would verify and confirm your creative legacy?
Lord, I want to bless and help people, but I must do that according to who I am and what you have gifted me to do. I am willing to take my creativity, no matter how basic, and produce a body of work that will glorify You and make an impact in the lives of other people.