Creative Leadership Gets Results

Creative Leadership Gets Results

Success is all about mindset and focus points – and creativity will expand your mindset like no other attribute. Though undervalued, and hard to measure (psychometrically, that is), a creative leader and workforce is unstoppable.

At work, it can be easy to fall into certain patterns, which will inevitably suck all the fun out of the workplace. Cultivating new ideas and ways of thinking can be exciting, yet once out of pre-school, we tend not to encourage silliness and mental exploration as a society.

Here’s how, and why, being creative can enhance your workplace (at no extra cost).

Let’s begin with why, in case you need some convincing or motivation for the how…

1.????Creativity can make you more productive

Forcing yourself to break away from your usual routine, by sitting somewhere else to work for 5 minutes a day will make you both more flexible and disciplined, which is especially good if you are trialling a partial work-from-home working week. Though initially strange, eventually, sitting somewhere else for longer and longer periods a day will get you acquainted with working in different settings, and you will be less likely to get distracted by change.

2.????Creativity will make you younger

As with change (without the risks of poor adaptation), creativity exercises your brain, and inspires innovation in areas that are often neglected. Learning the roles of other employees, for example, and trying to harness them, will create new neural pathways in your brain and keep it from going ‘brittle’ so to speak.

3.????Creativity enforces better understanding and empathy

Because creative thinking can often come in the form of looking at things from new perspectives, you will be a more considerate leader and a better listener if you integrate some creativity into your day. This encourages others to do the same and can lead to greater transparency in struggles or concerns at work.

4.????Creativity ? rich!

Not only will creativity spur you to become better competitors in your market, but it will also make your life richer. Creative people find everything in abundance, because great things can be created from very little opportunity or supplies. If you have children, notice how they can play with the most random of objects- they appreciate anything new and tangible, and so should we.?

How are you going to integrate creativity into the workplace, then?

When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on others, our world expands. Our own problems drift to the periphery of the mind and so seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for connection – or compassionate action.’

—Daniel Goleman

This quote underpins what I believe to be the most important aspect of all – connection. And with connection comes collaboration. No woman is an island, and leaders should also adopt this way of thinking. Before a progress meeting, instead of sending out tiresome and long emails, dedicate a wall in the office to post-it notes that employees can put up to be discussed in the next meeting. Not only is this less formal and therefore more approachable, but it’s also accessible in the way that it’s quick and easy to stick up a post-it before the thought has been and gone. Never lose an idea again and start post it note sorting!?

Talk about real stuff in your meetings and arrange smaller check-ins if you have a large workforce. Work collectively, but understand individually, and everyone will feel encouraged to pipe up if they have a creative new idea.

Author: Tallulah Goldsmith


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