Creative or not, it's your call!

Creative or not, it's your call!

When others criticize your work or creative approach, resist (very difficult to do) the natural temptation to get offended, angry or even. Instead, turn the table around and thank them for their viewpoint and advice! When you hear or sense negative karma about how creative you are, this is a clear sign that you are on the path to success. Understand, accept and acknowledge that many if not most people resist or detest change and when you shake things up, it is easier to be critical and negative than open their minds to new and perhaps radically different, better solutions or alternatives.


“What makes you odd makes you memorable.” I found this the most important advice that I learned from the previously referenced article and their website. Geisel was quoted once saying “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.” His approach was to open his creative mind and let odd ideas become an important part of his work.


Within reason, I believe that it is appropriate to always try to be different in the way you think, work and communicate when provided the opportunity to speak, teach and mentor others. Develop a unique style all your own and work tirelessly to hone and perfect your approach, craft and delivery. People will remember that you invested the time and approached the subject matter using a different and fresh approach. Never forget this simple fact: there will never be another you!


Their article concluded with this quote; Oscar Wilde once wrote that “be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Sage advice and I hope this article provides you inspiration and the tools to help you make 2023 the most productive and creative year ever. 


