Creative: The Cornerstone Of UX

Creative: The Cornerstone Of UX

Creative is the cornerstone of personalized user experiences. But without a blueprint to follow, many marketers are struggling. 

 Making the effort to combine the power of human ingenuity with insights gleaned from data analytics has its rewards, according to research by McKinsey, the management consultancy. It estimates companies that successfully integrate creativity and data enjoy a "2x difference in revenue growth." Brian Gregg, a senior partner at McKinsey told WARC in an interview, "it’s the difference between growing 10% and 5%—a massive difference." 

 But data isn’t enough. "It's about moving from silos to squads, laying the groundwork for close collaboration between performance marketers and creative directors to align campaigns with the needs, characteristics and cultures of its customers," says Marco Esposito, a digital and creative strategy consultant based in Berlin. 

 He tells me, "obsessing about ways to develop more data-informed design and processes to measure results as rigorously as they do all other aspects of their campaign efforts and outcomes." 

 But how do companies knit data and design together more effectively to acquire and activate audiences at scale? This is where Playstudios, a consumer gaming company headquartered in Las Vegas, is showing the way by cleverly combining data and design to deliver campaigns that resonate with audiences and hit performance targets.  

 At Playstudios, design and data teams sit in the same room and—more importantly—have learned to speak the same language. Rather than dumb down the data, the UA team elevated the conversation, making it inclusive and intuitive. 

 Want to learn more about how Playstudios brings data and design teams together? Read the full article.  


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