Creative Copy & Design Case Studies
I was studying the factors of a successful #Ad in terms of #design and #copy with #Udacity and figured I'd find examples on it from previous works... The text here represents my own interpretation of the tips provided and the examples are from campaigns of boosted posts which were achieved for the brand: Vanilloz Doughnuts
A successful #Facebook #AdCreative [i.e design] would be:
1- Visually-appealing & encouraging engagement
2- Brand-representative [in colors & style]
3- Resonating with the target audience(s)
4- Showing the environment or situation where it's used
5- In high resolution & photography quality [if it's a photo]
6- Has a size that suits its #AdPlacements
7- Doesn't have too many details that take +1 sec to grasp
8- No small items that aren't clearly seen on mobile
9- Having little or no text [not too obviously an ad]
10- Having me brief & supervise it for success :P
Now a successful #Adcopy [caption + headline if present] would be:
1- Concise & to the point - not too much text
2- Starts by an intriguing question or statement
3- Gives a reason to buy the product or service
4- Focuses on the benefits the user will get
5- Has a clear Call To Action... [try the product or service, sign up now, register, stay tuned, request a free quotation, brochure, or demo, etc...]
6- Has a duration of availability = a sense of urgency [Few Pieces Left, Limited Time Offer, Ends in a Week, etc...]
7- Speaks in the #brand #ToneOfVoice which is strategically speaking to the #TargetAudience
8- Syncs with the #AdCreative & and full #campaign as well as #LandingPage
Now let's explore if that was applied in the copy and creatives here :
[feel free to judge if that's true or not, or even argue with me in the comments]
First, the Design:
It's Appealing & Engaging [who wouldn't want to grab those?], Brand-representative [Vanilloz colors used & fun mode on], Speaks to the audience with the product in focus and neighborhood TOV, Shows the environment [the shelf], In high quality [it's perfect photography for me], Has a size that suits its Placements [typically as a boosted post it's squared], Doesn't have too many details or small items, Has little text & Had me brief & supervise it for success :P
Second, the copy:
It's brief, Starts by a statement, Gives a reason to buy the product or service [see which one you won], Focuses on the benefits the user will get [winning doughnuts], Has a clear Call To Action [Grab a doughnuts and see...], Has a duration of availability = a sense of urgency [This Sunday], Speaks in the #brand #ToneOfVoice which is strategically speaking to the #TargetAudience [festive, light & fun] & Syncs with the #AdCreative & and full #campaign
Now, this one and first with the Design:
It's exciting & encouraging engagement, it's Brand-representative [see the vanilloz colors footer & overall fun mode], Resonating with the target audience(s) [I mean it literally shows the exact location in a catchy visual] i.e Showing the environment where it's used, In high resolution & quality [good enough for SM], Has a size that suits its #AdPlacements [squared boosted post], Doesn't have too many details [focuses on the location], No small items, Just enough text [to state the mere facts] & also had me briefing & supervising it for success :P
Next, the copy:
To the point, Starts by a statement, Gives a reason [opening day gifts], Focuses on the benefits the user will get [gifts], Has a clear Call To Action [stay tuned for...], Has a duration of availability = a sense of urgency [This Thursday], Speaks in the #brand #ToneOfVoice which is strategically speaking to the #TargetAudience [fun festive mode], Syncs with the #AdCreative & and full #campaign [festive news].
Now, what do you think? Did we achieve success with those two samples?
No? Feel free to say why not! We all learn from each other :)
Want to see the full campaigns of Vanilloz Miami & San Stefano Openings; check: - Photography Credits: @Khaled Hamdy - Design @Tamer El-Araby