Creative adult is the child who survived
I am writing this 4 days prior to Dussehra?—?the festival which celebrates victory of good over evil. Our child hood text books (that taught our parents too, and their parents too, and their parents too) teach us Ram is pure good and Ravan is pure bad, but if we take a different look Ramayan, we might just find a new hero we were unaware of. Check out the link at the end of this article for some non-text book facts about Ravan.
Text books can give biased opinions; opinions of people who are too old to be alive today. As a kid, we had three sources of learning - parents, teachers and text book; and they all teach us the same thing?—?Why?
In a time when we are about to take the greatest leap in technology in mankind’s history, we cannot afford to educate the upcoming generation with obsolete and biased learning materials.
Here is the full article on It talks about the points where our education system fails and a very simple practical way to survive it.