A Perspective from Educational Psychology and Language Teaching (By Lody Kolatlena)

THE CREATION OF A GREAT ENGLISH TEACHER: A Perspective from Educational Psychology and Language Teaching (By Lody Kolatlena)

A.? How Would Student and Teacher Perceive a Great English Teacher?

Another?influential?theory,?Krashen's?Teacher as provider of Comprehensible Input (1982),?again?in relation?to telling stories, singing songs, and playing games,?informs?many ongoing research agendas?on SLA. For Krashen, acquisition of language is natural for those?exposed?to language that is?a?little?beyond?their?current?proficiency reaches.?The foregoing methods of?storytelling, singing songs, and playing games provide this?comprehensible?input?quite?effectively. These activities create?motivating?and interactive learning environments?in?which?learners?can?understand?the?meaning?of language, practice grammar and vocabulary, and improve pronunciation in a fun and memorable way.

Therefore, with regards to Krashen’s theory, a great teacher of English is not just a provider of grammar rules and literary analyses but rather an inspiration to intellectual growth and even a guide through the labyrinths of language, basically urging one toward lifelong learning. A really outstanding English teacher combines in one person qualities that establish a dynamic and enriching learning environment from both students' and educators' standpoints.

1. From the Students’ Perspective

As I see it, an excellent teacher of English to students is a fascinating teller of stories he creates; thus, these fire up imaginations and whisk minds away to far-off lands. They understand the literature and its power to shape perspectives and stir emotions. Beyond the written word, they encourage students to express themselves through creative writing, public speaking, and critical analysis. A great English teacher nurtures a love for language and firmly establishes curiosity that shall last throughout one's life. They make sure there is a comfortable, secure place where students may express their thoughts and opinions without being judged.

Besides, I think, from the student's point of view, truly the best English teacher is a real master in telling stories. They could narrate complicated tales that would have spellbound the minds of their learners and whisk them away to various corners of the world. Be it a timeless novel, a realistic short story, or an evergreen poem, this ultimate teacher can bring them to life and give new meaning to every word and phrase. While sharing their love for reading, they motivate students to develop a loving attitude toward reading as well.

Beyond the mere function of knowledge transmission, the great English teacher can even unconsciously create creativity and self-expression in the minds of students. They call on students to try their hand at different types of writing-from persuasive essays to creative fiction. Students are afforded the opportunity to forge their own voices and opinions in writing workshops, public speaking exercises, and critical analysis discussions. A supportive and inclusive classroom environment lets students take intellectual risks without a care about judgments from other students.

Finally, students might think their teacher of English is a champion of language, celebrating its beauty, its complexity, and its power. They introduce students to the magic of grammar, vocabulary, and rhetoric. It is in exploration to the etymology of words, examination of the literary devices used, and deconstruction of sentences that students develop an appreciation for the written word. Another strong quality of the great teacher is impressing upon the student the importance of effective communication-to make him or her articulate thoughts in a clear and persuasive manner.

2. From My Perspective as English Teacher

This part is my perspective as an English teacher concerning the role of an English teacher. In my opinion, the role of an English teacher, in fact, spills over from the classroom. We are lifelong learners ourselves, and this means that we are forever seeking strategies for captivating the students and stay abreast with how pedagogical practices are evolving. Being an excellent teacher of English calls for us to be an effective communicator, transparently explaining complex ideas in a simple and concise way. In addition, this would call for patience and understanding, realizing that learning is a process of ups and downs. An excellent teacher of English to me is like a mentor who mentors a student both academically and personally. We help generate confidence, encourage critical thinking, and cultivate an appreciation of the written word. Let me attempt to expound on those ideals one at a time.

First of all, a great English teacher is a lifelong learner with a continuous search for new ways to engage students and inspire love for language. Therefore, we should keep up-to-date with the latest educational trends and research through attending conferences, workshops, and seminars for professional development. Through continuous development in knowledge and skills, we offer our students state-of-the-art learning experiences. One of the leading reasons why I wanted to proceed with postgraduate education is exactly this.

Secondly, it is very important that a good teacher be a good communicator. Every teacher needs to know how to communicate effectively, but English teachers especially need to. That is where a great English teacher knows how to express even the most difficult ideas clearly and concisely, making these complex ideas and concepts so simple for our students to understand. We also need to possess strong listening skills, thus allowing us to hear and respond to the individual needs of each learner.

Third is the teacher's role as a patient mentor. Not every instance of teaching is smooth, and by all means, the student is going to struggle on the road. This is where patience from the mentorship perspective of a great English teacher comes into play, as I see it-understanding that triumphs and setbacks one would experience in learning are part of the journey. Why? Because we give our students constructive feedback, encouragement, and a supportive learning environment where students can feel safe taking risks and making mistakes.

Last but not least, I believe an English teacher should inspire future leaders. Greater than academic achievement, the outstanding English teacher inspires students to become well-rounded individuals. Thus, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity in all teaching strategies need to be encouraged. In developing the love of language and literature in our students, we give them a firm foundation on which to base their future success. Basically, at the end, a great English teacher is a mentor who can guide the students not only through their scholastic but also personal development.

What this essentially means is that a great English teacher is actually like a bridge between the worlds of literature and language to the minds of our students. We are an active knowledge head, an inspiring authority, and a spark to make thinking minds grow. Whether from the learner's eye view or the teacher's, the same qualities which distinguish a superb English teacher emerge: a consuming interest in language, a wish to ensure student success, and a dedication to foster in each learner a love of learning that will last a lifetime.


B. The Art of Effective Learning Management: A Perspective of an English Teacher

The Seven Principles for Failing Forward by John C Maxwell offers a roadmap to success by learning from failure. Central to its theme is the notion that failure is not only inevitable but integral to personal and?professional growth. With regards to John C. Maxwell's view of mistakes as opportunities for learning, educators can facilitate the turning of what may have been setbacks into experiences of growth provided the atmosphere is nurturing and encouraging of growth. Self-reflection, celebration of mistakes, and peers learning from peers can foster a growth mindset. This can be furthered through leading by example in modelled vulnerability-that is, sharing one's personal account and providing an opportunity for the learners to share their mistakes. Constructive feedback provided in a way to improve, rather than criticize, will be helpful for learners to build toward the future. Experiential learning within project-and problem-based approaches could also favor taking risks, experimenting, and learning from both successes and failures. In integrating such principles into practice, educators would have a more interactive, efficient, and motivating learning environment in which learners could embrace challenges and reach their full potential.

This part is connected with learning management competence, which every teacher of English should master. In my experience, an excellent teacher of English is not only a dispenser of knowledge but also an artful architect of learning experiences. Effective learning management lays the foundation upon which successful teaching and student achievement stand. Innovation and awareness make an English teacher realize that the classroom is an interactive spot where learners from different backgrounds come together. For further optimization of this environment, an English teacher must frame learning in a multi-dimensional approach, taking into consideration the individuality and characteristics while infusing an affection for language and literature.

1. Creating Inspirational and Inclusive Learning Environment

Effective learning management is rooted in an ability to create an inspirational and inclusive atmosphere. This involves the planning of lessons in a creative manner that stimulates the element of curiosity among the students and allows them to think critically. A teacher may address students' various learning styles and allow the involvement of all the students by making use of different teaching strategies such as discussions, debates, and practical activities. By facilitating open-ended discussions, a teacher allows the expression of views from every individual student, questioning assumptions, developing their skills of communication. By provoking debates, the English teacher may stimulate discussions of current controversies, develop critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to create well-structured and persuasive arguments. Finally, an English teacher can make use of real-life engagement activities: through role-playing, simulations, or creative writing projects, learning can be more concrete and memorable. The use of different teaching strategies allows the teacher to approach different learning styles and to involve each pupil in the process.

A truly very good English teacher can make a differentiation in his or her lessons: organizing homework assignments and assessments, taking into consideration each student's needs and different levels of skill. In this way, he or she will be able to give every type of learner the chance to succeed. A very good English teacher realizes that all students have different needs and abilities. For this reason, they differentiate instruction by adjusting homework and assessment tasks to suit the needs of individual learners. This is a means of assuring that each student has success, irrespective of their background or skill level. It means that students should get enough challenge but at the same time get necessary support from the teacher for their growth.

2. Technology-Enhanced Learning in Our English Classes

One of the most vital ingredients of effective management of learning would be judicious use of technology. Living in the digital age, technology could be an enhancing factor in the learning process. Using technology inside the classroom provides students with exposure to various resources around them, such as online databases, virtual field trips, and interactive learning platforms. But, in effect, while concerned with lifelong learning and self-development as an English teacher, I have managed to accomplish a book on the integration of technology-enhanced learning in ELT, entitled "UNLEASHING THE POWER OF GOOGLE FORMS: A Guide to Effective Listening Comprehension Practices for ESL Teachers," published by Diva Pustaka. Basically, the book discusses how an English teacher can create his or her own listening comprehension activities on a platform called Google Forms.

Nevertheless, given all the progress being made with digital technology, finding a balance between the traditional and technological approach would be incredibly useful to ensure that technology is utilized in a manner to complement the more traditional forms of teaching and learning rather than replacing them entirely. Today, technology has the capability to revolutionize teaching and learning. A good teacher of English recognizes in technology a huge power in enhancing learning experiences, thus inducting the judicious use of technology into the classroom. By integrating technology into the curriculum, teachers can offer students an opportunity to access a wealth of valuable resources that have never before been available.

Living in the digital era, knowledge stands at every fingertip. Online databases, digital libraries, and e-books expose students to a complete constellation of literary texts, research materials, and language learning tools. Virtual field trips can take them to distant lands and historical events, expanding horizons and stimulating their imaginations. Interactive learning platforms provide an opportunity for students to be involved in collaborative projects, practice language skills, and receive immediate feedback. While technology has a lot to offer, a balance has to be achieved between the traditional and the technological ways. This means that the traditional ways should not be cast aside for technology but rather complimented. For example, whereas research and writing could make use of digital media, discussion where students sit face to face and hands-on activities are still crucial in ensuring critical thinking and creativity are promoted. With due consideration of technology use, the teachers can create an instructive, interactive environment that prepares students for success in the 21st century.

3. English Teacher as a Skilled Communicator

Finally, an excellent English teacher is a communicator able to clearly state expectations and to give feedback in a timely and constructive manner. It is crystal clear that concise instructions are necessary for student success since they reduce confusion and increase productivity. Assessment, both formative and summative, provides regular opportunities for teachers to monitor the progress of their students, recognize strengths and weaknesses, and give support where required. The culture of feedback will help students take responsibility and strive to improve. Assessment is the ongoing process through which student progress and areas for improvement are identified. Formative assessment tools, which come in many forms, including quizzes, exit slips, and peer reviews, provide immediate feedback to instructors about student learning and allow instructors to modify instruction and targeted support accordingly. Summative assessments occur at the end of a unit or course and measure the student learning, such as tests and essays. This shall, in turn, enable the student to develop his or her skills and improve performance. Feedback given should be specific, actionable, and encouraging. It should highlight strengths and weaknesses, give suggestions for improvement, and use specific examples to illustrate the feedback.

Feedback culture empowers students with the responsibility for learning and creates a continuous drive for improvement. This allows students to be motivated, reflect on their work, considering next steps, and setting goals for future learning. In a nutshell, learning management is complex yet rewarding. Indeed, the English teacher can motivate students to full potential by developing learning venues that are engaging, differentiating instruction, using technology effectively, and communicating clearly, giving feedback. By instilling in students an appreciation of the language and literature, educators not only prepare them for academic success but also equip them with essential skills needed in lifelong learning.


C. Fostering Learner Autonomy: Developing Students Skills of Learning Independently

Sarah Cotterell in Harmer (2015) suggests that language courses which aim to promote learner autonomy should have a number of defining characteristics. In the first place, the course should reflect the learners' goals in its language, tasks and strategies. This means raising the students' awareness of ways of identifying goals, specifying objectives and identifying resources which will help them to realise these goals. With regards to Cotterell’s theory,? it is said that a really good teacher of English is not there to supply knowledge; instead, it is more about acting as a facilitator of independent learning. Teachers develop learner autonomy so that the learners can later be found to take responsibility in their own learning, think independently, and become lifelong learners. Where students are given any chance to take ownership of their learning, they develop a deeper and better understanding of the subject matter at hand. They are no longer passive learners. Instead, they then become active in learning. Encouraging questions, seeking resources, and peer interaction will help the learners to think more critically and approach problems in a more effective way.

One of the important features of such an educational setting in encouraging learner autonomy is a supportive and stimulating environment. This involves developing a classroom environment where students are at ease taking risks, making mistakes, and asking questions. The teachers can spur such examination with open-mindedness and curiosity as incentives. The second incentive would include opportunities for collaborative learning-granted through group projects and peer reviews-that enable students to learn from each other while building important social and communicative tools. Another important feature of supportive learning is collaborative learning. The teacher encourages class work and peer feedback, allowing students to learn social and communicational skills such as active listening, empathy, constructive criticism, and the like. Collaborative learning will also provide the student with an opportunity to learn from each other through sharing their knowledge and expertise in developing constructive relationships with peers.

The other equally important approach towards fostering learner autonomy involves the explicit teaching of effective learning strategies. Explicit teaching of methods of studying, skills of note-taking, and time management endow the learner with the facilities to become autonomous. This also helps students learn about metacognitive strategies that will enable them to self-monitor and self-assess their learning, thus giving them an opportunity to make necessary changes in their learning. It also involves the encouragement of metacognitive strategies in students, like self-monitoring and self-assessment, whereby the students will be able to take ownership of their learning. By reflecting upon learning processes, students are able to recognize strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and develop a personal learning plan. Application of metacognitive strategies enables students to become active and capable learners in varying situations and problems.

The good English teacher provides opportunities for real-life learning experiences. The inclusion of real-life tasks and projects into the curriculum could help students acquire those sets of skills and knowledge necessary for surviving in the 21st century. For example, students may debate a topic to practice arguing and persuading, write a persuasive essay about an issue that they care about, or develop a digital story to tell a personal story. These are authentic experiences because students are engaged and, more importantly, students begin to see how their learning applies. By relating classroom learning to real-life issues, the teacher can motivate students to become involved and active learners who can have excitement in changing the world.

To conclude, good English teacher is dedicated to promoting learner independence. By providing supportive learning environments, teaching effective learning strategies, and offering genuine learning experiences, these instructors can let the students take charge of their learning to become independent, lifelong learners. Consequently, this will help students to perform better both in academics and personal life. Finally, a good English teacher is not just a teacher; he is a mentor, guide, and an inspiration. By facilitating learner independence, these instructors help learners take responsibility for their own learning process and develop all the necessary skills to become successful citizens of the 21st century. Great English teachers create supportive learning environments, teach effective learning strategies, and provide authentic learning experiences that help their students develop the tools they will need to become independent, lifelong learners. Consequently, the students are more successful in their academic work and passions, and be of better service to society.


Boolkah, Peter. (2024). Failing Forward: How Leaders Learn From Their Mistakes. Failing Forward: How Leaders Learn From Their Mistakes - Peter Boolkah.

Harmer, J. (2015. The Practice of English Language Teaching, 4th edition. Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers. Longman

Krashen, S. D. (1982). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Pergamon Press.


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