Creation block! Social media posts to try in the next couple of weeks

Creation block! Social media posts to try in the next couple of weeks

Here are some quick social media posts to get you through the last couple of weeks of Quarter 1!?

Post #1: The month so far (carousel)

  • Have you noticed anything different about this month?
  • Key meetings or events

Post #2: Personal win (stand alone image)

  • Share something positive you've done for yourself this month, the hurdles you had to overcome and how it helped you

Post #3: Local spot shout-out (reel/video)

  • Is there somewhere you love to work? Or a place you go to for warmth or a particularly good hot chocolate?

Post #4: Partner/peer spotlight (carousel)

  • Spotlight on another business you work with or a peer that you admire and why

Post #5: Goal intentions for Q2 (stand alone image)

  • Business focus/theme or intention for quarter 2
  • Key meetings or events
  • The why behind the intention

Post #6: Month wrap-up (reel/video)

  • What went to plan in March and what didn't?
  • Any surprises?

If you’d like a social media audit on the house, or to run some ideas past us - contact us via LinkedIn or email [email protected]



