All authoritarian governments….all dictatorships are created by the use of the emotion of fear. Literally frightening people…scaring them through the creation usually of an “other” –? some group, ethnicity. religion, race of people who are blamed for all that is wrong - ?bad, evil people who are after you in some manner…wanting bad to happen to you….taking over in some way and controlling you…taking away your guns for example, demeaning your religion and its ideals, immigrants “invading” the country and taking over, the white race being replaced? and losing its majority and control, the liberal elites, and so on. And I will fight for you says the dictator, and protect you from all these bad people who want to harm you. A developed fantasy…truly.
Any out and out lie, falsehood, distortion of consensual fact or exaggeration of the other and its evil aims are used by the creators of fear. And like the master propagandist of Nazi Germany, Herr Goebbels would say…tell a lie, a falsehood long and loud enough and people will become convinced that it is the truth.
An example of this is the big lie that the election of 2020 was stolen and Biden is not the legitimate president.? That lie is believed by many of our countrymen and women. ?An exaggeration if not plain false is the use by the term “invasion” to represent the wave of immigrants seeking asylum and/or a better way of life.? They are not the scum of the earth, drug mules, criminals, gang members or rapists as some demigod states. Just people wanting a better life. More lies to frighten you.*
Sure. Life with our present government and world situation is certainly not perfect. However, we are most fortunate to live in a free, democratic government. There are some who believe that we need a strong man to rule and correct all the perceived maladies, and while some groups, individuals may get hurt in the process….so what. They may even deserve it. This desire is fear based. Thinking that some strong man will make you safe. Just another ploy to control you.
Fear brings out the worst in people.? Fear drives people into their primitive instincts for survival…for fight or flight. Fear demonstrably does not bring out the best in people. Fear distorts the feared object making it more menacing. One’s perception, one’s judgement, one’s understanding is not functioning well, and tend to be accepting of the lies and distortions presented. Our fear makes us vulnerable to charlatans, con men/women, liars and cheats, dictators and their cronies of all sorts, who will use our fears to control us. Control how you think, feel and act especially towards the created, hated “other”. ?These types also demand loyalty, the price paid for the con man’s/groups favor. He/They can do no wrong. He/They are always right about everything. What a frightening scenario.
Under authoritarian rule there is no free speech or free expression of any kind. One’s integrity of being a human is obliviated. One can only hold fealty to the dictator or group. Censorship of anything perceived as threatening is imposed. Certain books are banned, all the media is controlled, and felt adverse subjects are eliminated in the education system, and there is constant surveillance by a beefed-up police presence. Since the rulers can do no wrong there is no accountability, and therefore there is rampant corruption, outright thievery and wrong-doing. ?
Who wants this?
·?????? Both political parties in the USA use fear as a motivator. However, they differ in the feared object(s) they create. And naturally some fear is warranted.