Creating Your Perfect Webinar part 2: The Introduction
Yesterday, I talked about the Perfect Webinar from Russell Brunson.
He talks about it in his book Expert Secrets and I am excited to try to setup my webinar using the perfect webinar framework.
Since I’ve been doing webinars, I thought it would be a great time for me to teach what I learned
If you didn’t know, my webinar is about being omnipresent and you can register at
What is the perfect Webinar?
In case you missed it yesterday, I’ll cover a bit what the perfect webinar is.
The perfect webinar is a framework to better understand what a great webinar would be like
It describes the 3 parts: Introduction, Content and Close
and helps you to put together all the slides you’ll need
What’s different about the perfect webinar?
The main difference between a traditional teaching webinar and a perfect webinar is the fact you don’t really teach anything.
Funny to say but if you teach anything and tell them all they need to know, why would they buy anything from you at the end?
So the main focus of the perfect webinar is instead to break and rebuild their belief patterns.
We’ll get more into that tomorrow though.
Today, it’s about part 1, the introduction.
Introduction to your Perfect Webinar
The first part of the perfect webinar is the introduction of course.
The introduction consists of these parts
- Bold promise (ruler)
- Hook to end
- Command Attention
- Qualify Yourself
- Future Pace
Let’s dive into each of these
1- Bold Promise (ruler)
You start your webinar with a bold promise.
This is what you promise them they will learn by the end of the webinar.
Russell calls it the ruler because that’s how they will judge you by.
They will either be happy or not with what you teach if your promise is fulfilled.
That’s why you must give the promise to set the ruler – if you don’t you can’t know how they will judge you.
2- Hook to end
Next you want to offer them something in return for staying until the end.
Whatever it is you offer them needs to be something they’ll want.
It needs to be what your audience is interest in, something they can’t easily get anywhere else.
You can use curiosity here but be careful with that.
Being honest and transparent is still the best way to go here too.
3- Command Attention
You really need them to pay attention to you but how do you make them believe that?
My take on this is that...