Creating Your Daily Vision for Health

Creating Your Daily Vision for Health

As a leader, finding success without a vision is challenging. The same thing holds true for your health! Getting in shape can seem like some pie-in-the-sky goal that is out of reach unless we have a plan and lay out small steps to take each day.


Let’s use weight loss as an example: We all want the number on the scale to go down, but when we think of the “ideal weight” we are working toward, it can seem overwhelming.


Forty pounds probably seems much too big to break down into a daily tactic. But that 40-pound, lighter version of ourselves is guaranteed to have a few habits we are missing in our current routine. So, identifying with those habits and working them into our life is a great way to create an everyday vision for your health.


So, if your goal is weight loss- envision what the lighter version of yourself does daily, and get those to-do’s down on paper and into your calendar. You know, the calendar you live by during the work week? Add your fitness there too, so you stay consistent.


See yourself going for that mid-day walk on the office treadmill, drinking (and refilling) that daily jug of water, and making the best nutrition choices for your future, more fit self.


Once you can see the vision and plan the action items, you must show up.


Your partner in health,

Drew Saenz


P.S. Is your company focused on wellbeing initiatives in 2022 or putting them on hold till ‘23? Reply and let me know.


