Creating Your Best Future Self Through a Can-Do Attitude, Positive Thinking, Deliberate Self-Talk, Affirmations, and Transcendentalism

The Science of Having a "Can-Do" Attitude

Having a "can-do" attitude, also known as a growth mindset, is the belief that one's abilities, and intelligence, can be developed through specific and honed effort and targeted learning. ?But is it real??

The science behind this attitude is based largely on the long-overlooked work of Carol Dweck and her research on mindset. ?Dweck has found that individuals with a defined growth mindset, as opposed to a fixed mindset, tend to have better academic and professional outcomes. ?They are also more likely to persevere in the face of challenges, tending to scope out and notice better paths to their intended goals.?They more readily find new opportunities for personal growth and personal development. ?This is a result of either their belief or internal wiring that their abilities are more of a perception and mindset than a reality, and that those abilities can be improved upon, sometimes instantly, through hard work and learning.

Carol Dweck's Profile | Stanford Profiles

Creating Your Future Self

More and more popular, the science of creating your future self, also known as self-authoring or self-construction, centers around actively shaping your one’s own identity and future through deliberate planning and action. ?This science is based on the idea that individuals are not limited by a pre-determined destiny, and that they do have the ability to direct their own lives and shape their own future.

To strengthen one key aspect of self-authoring, these self-leaders use the habit of setting and working towards specific, measurable goals. ?Research has shown that setting goals is one of the most important aspects of defining and realizing a future self.?Regularly monitoring progress toward the defined goals can improve not only success but also motivation.?Having and checking in on goals routinely can also increase focus and result in a more motivated and positively directed effort. ?These best practices ultimately lead to better performance and higher achievement.

Another important aspect of self-authoring is the use of developing a sense of agency, which is also referred to as the belief that one has the power within oneself to bring about desired outcomes. Separate research has documented that people who have a high sense of agency tend to have better mental health and greater self-esteem, and are more likely to achieve their prescribed goals.

Self-authoring also includes the ever-precious self-reflection and self-awareness.?Each of those, both separately and especially when paired, can help individuals to understand themselves better, and to identify areas of their potential growth and development. ?This can be done in many ways, and is often done through journaling, therapy, or other forms of self-reflection practice.

In summary, the science of creating your future self involves actively working to shape one's identity and future through goal-setting, developing a sense of agency, and self-reflection.


·??????Be Your Future Self Now, by Dr. Benjamin P. Hardy (

·??????How to Connect With Your Future Self |

·??????Take Ownership of Your Future Self (

·??????The stranger within: Connecting with our future selves | UCLA Health

·??????How Your Future Self Can Help Your Current Self (

·??????7 Steps Towards Your FUTURE SELF | Dr. Benjamin Hardy - Bing video

The Science of Positive Thinking

Known as Positive Psychology in academic circles, the science of positive thinking is the study of how positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can lead to improved well-being, increased resilience, opportunistic thinking, creativity, and better ultimate outcomes. ?The basic idea behind positive thinking is that an individual's thoughts and attitudes can influence, and potentially control, their emotional and physical health, as well as their physical and mental performance, in various aspects of life.

Extensive research has shown that positive thinking can have a litany of benefits, such as:

·??????Reducingstress and anxiety

·??????Improving mood and overall well-being

·??????Increasing resilience and ability to cope with adversity

·??????Enhancing performance and productivity

·??????Improving physical health

·??????Enhancing the immune system

·??????Improving relationships

As a function of this science, one of the key mechanisms that support and catalyze positive thinking is the concept of cognitive reappraisal. ?This mechanism refers to the ability of individuals to entirely reframe negative, counterproductive, and self-defeating thoughts and experiences into a more positive and beneficial reality. ?This practice helps individuals to interpret and understand challenges as opportunities for growth.?It also acts to create and maintain a more optimistic outlook, even in difficult situations.?People who have trained themselves in the art and science of positive thinking are more likely to creatively find solutions, and to find them more efficiently and expeditiously.

One of the most effective processes of positive thinking is deliberate and expressed gratitude. This same research has shown that regularly expressing gratitude, especially if it is done both verbally and in handwritten format, and focusing on the good and positive things in life can lead to significantly increased well-being, measurably improved relationships, and holistically a more positive outlook on life, the meaning of life, and the existentialism of life.

In summation, the science of positive thinking has proven that, by cultivating positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, individuals can improve their overall well-being, mental and physical resilience, measurable performance, and increase their likelihood of success in all areas of life.

The Science Self-Talk

Closely related to the science of positive thinking, the power of self-talk refers to the internal dialogue that we have with ourselves. ?Self-talk has been demonstrated to significantly influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. ?The deliberate practice of self-talk Has repeatedly been shown that the way we talk to ourselves can have a profound impact on our state of mind, our physical health and well-being, as well as our ability to perform and achieve our goals.

Supporting research has also shown that negative self-talk, such as thoughts that are critical, judgmental, or self-defeating, can lead to feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression, not to mention that such talk can also wreak havoc on our physical condition and our mental perception of our physical condition and the circumstances and environment that surround us. On the other hand, positive self-talk, such as thoughts that are encouraging, supportive, and self-compassionate, can lead to feelings of confidence, well-being, and improved performance.

Perhaps one of the most important and yet least understood aspects of self-talk is mindfulness. ?This refers to the conscious effort of being aware of one's thoughts and emotions, understanding and recognizing what these thoughts and emotions mean, the source of those thoughts and emotions, and how those thoughts and emotions can impact our lives and the way we perceive our lives to be.?The art in this science is being able to observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment. ?Mindfulness can help individuals to recognize negative self-talk patterns, and to replace those counterproductive thought patterns with more positive and constructive thought series.

Looking in upon ourselves from out of ourselves, and allowing ourselves to be imperfect is another important aspect of self-talk.?This lays the foundation for self-compassion. This highlights the importance of treating oneself with the same kindness and understanding that one would offer to a friend, a less fortunate person, or a person who is in a less fortunate state. ?perfecting the art and science of self-compassion can lead to increased physical and mental well-being, improved emotional regulation, understanding, and control, and better coping with stress, including perceived stress, and adversity of all kinds.

In a nutshell and to oversimplify, the science of self-talk documents and proves that the way we talk to ourselves, weather verbally or in our thoughts regardless of whether such self-talk is conscious or subconscious, can have a significant impact on our mental and physical well-being, as well as our ability to achieve our goals and desired outcomes. By becoming more mindful and self-compassionate, we can learn to recognize and replace negative self-talk patterns with more positive and constructive thoughts.?In this way, we are actually setting the stage for who our future selves will become.

15 TED Talks on Positive Psychology

The Power of Affirmations

Whether done scientifically or just as a matter of fact as humans sometimes do, affirmations are positive statements or phrases that individuals repeat to themselves.?Sometimes only in our thoughts, sometimes aloud, sometimes by our written hand, and sometimes as typed with a keyboard, these affirmations are repeated with the end goal of influencing our own thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and behaviors. ?The power of affirmations is based on the idea that repeatedly exposing oneself to positive messages can help to reshape negative thought patterns and beliefs, and ultimately lead to improved well-being and better performance.

Repeated research has shown that affirmations can have many useful benefits, such as:

·??????Increasing self-esteem and self-confidence

·??????Improving mood and overall well-being

·??????Enhancing performance and productivity

·??????Improving physical health

·??????Enhancing the immune system

·??????Improving relationships

Similar to creating strong and effective goals, affirmations should be specific, personal, and in the present or future tense, and they should be crafted as if the affirmation is already true. ?This art can help to create a sense of belief that the affirmation is not only possible and likely, but that, at least in the future, it is already done.

For the best results and for the highest likelihood that they will become effective, affirmations need to be part of a daily habit. ?To maximize the effectiveness, these affirmations should be repeated three times consecutively, and several times throughout each day.?This practice can help to create new neural pathways in the brain, and that will effectively make the affirmation an inherent part of our belief system.

Affirmations alone may not be enough to change a person's mindset. ?Along with positive thinking, positive self-thought, and a deliberately can-do attitude, using affirmations can be a useful practice toward a higher future self.

Important Note:

?Although creating your own personalized affirmation is an essential part of the process, it is not recommended.?Most people who create their own affirmations actually create an opposite effect.?Before writing one’s own affirmations, it is very important to fully investigate the psychology of the use of affirmations – 1 seemingly tiny mistake can have a world of inverse impact.

For instance, “I am not going to let negative people impact my life” is a terrible affirmation.?The human mind doesn’t understand “no”.?So, by saying “I am not ..,.”, it’s like telling the brain “I am.?I am.”?Therefore, affirming this is the same as affirming “I am going to let negative people impact my life, I am!”?The mere use of “negative” in and of itself is a bad practice.?Also, “going to” sets us up for failure as it is an abstract uncertainty of only one of many possible future outcomes.?

Also, the human brain dismisses a thought or concept every time that it accepts a new one.?The above affirmation will have replace something in our brain – whether that something is positive or negative is unknown.?The better affirmation is “I freely allow positive people impact my life”.


Only write your affirmations after careful study and consideration.?It’s best to have a competent professional create your personalized affirmations.?Although, many professionals, in every field, are in fact incompetent.?The requirement to be a professional is simply to have been paid to do something; there is no requirement to be good, effective, nor competent.?Do the research so that your affirmations will have a clear and predictable end result.


Transcendentalism has historically been a philosophical and literary movement that first emerged in the early 19th century, primarily in the United States. ?The movement has largely been influenced by the ideas of the famed Ralph Waldo Emerson.?In fact, he is considered to be one of the renowned and key figures of transcendentalism.

The core science of transcendentalism is the realization that there is a higher reality or spiritual essence beyond the physical world as we think we know it.?This science shows that individuals can access a higher reality through open mindedness, receptiveness, intuition, spiritual insight, and a connection with nature in its literal and theoretical form. ?Transcendentalists believe that individuals have the capacity to transcend the 3-dimensional limitations of what we currently refer to as the material world, and experience a deeper spiritual connection to the universe and all that is in multiple planes or dimensions.

There are many cases of recorded transcendentalism, yet the vast majority of those cases are experienced by people who were unaware of the transcendental postulate.?

Transcendentalists also place a strong emphasis on the individual and the importance of self-reliance, especially on the reliance of the energy and forces of these multiple dimensions. ?They understand that individuals, who are of an open mind and trained state, should trust their own feelings, intuition, and inner guidance, rather than being limited by a 3-dimensional existence.

In ways that are similar to having a positive attitude, engaging in positive thought, having positive self-talk, and engaging in the art and science of affirmations, transcendentalism is also understood to have a strong influence on the environmental movement. ?Many trained transcendentalists realize the inherent goodness and interconnection of all things, living or dead, animate or inanimate, material or energy, spiritual or scientific, and the importance of preserving all that is and all that we are.

Limited by our narrow ability to think and perceive and create, transcendentalism is often shallowly characterized by its focus on an individual's subjective experience.?We can only use symbolism and metaphor to convey the deeper spiritual truths which escape our ability to perceive, understand, and express.

With dedicated and focused training, we can create a far better future self through our awareness of our attitudes, the restructuring of our self-talk, the replacement of dirty talk (negative and harmful talk) with clean talk, continual reminders through affirmations and the realization that transcendentalism it's a real thing.

Nothing is ever possible, until it is.

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