Creating while sleeping
Alec Jiggins
Coach For High Performing Entrepreneurs & Executives | Direct Approach | Leadership & Executive Coach
"Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious." Thomas Edison
Even when we're asleep, our minds are at work. As our eyes close and we drift off, our brains are archiving information, making connections, and processing the vast amount of data we've collected during the day. If only we could get our brains to solve problems and come up with ideas while we're asleep.
Well, the good news is we can...........
Many of the world's most successful people intentionally direct the workings of their subconscious mind while they're sleeping. Why? So that it can work on new ways to reach your goals. Try these simple routines and you will see results within days. I promise.
Step 1 - 10 minutes before you go to bed
Quiet your mind and your environment. Turn off devices, sit somewhere quiet, and focus your breathing.
Take a few minutes to meditate on and write down in your journal (if you've not got the journaling habit, start that too) the things you're trying to accomplish and ask yourself as many questions as you can that are related to your goal. Make the goal really specific, clear and visible in your mind.
As Edison would say, make some "requests" of your mind. Write those questions and thoughts down in your journal; the more specific the questions, the more clarity you will find. While you're asleep, your subconscious mind will get to work on those things.
Step 2 - 10 minutes after you wake up
Your prefrontal cortex (the part of your brain responsible for planning complex cognitive behaviour, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behaviour) is most active and readily creative after a good night's sleep. While you snooze, your subconscious has been making connections and that's what creativity is all about.
Don't undo all of the brain's hard work by getting the morning off to a bad start. A staggering 80% of 18-45 year-olds wake-up and start checking their smartphones. If you are one of them, dump that bad habit.
Instead, go back to your quiet place, do some meditation and go back to your journal from the night before. You just want to start 'thought dumping' - writing down whatever comes to mind about the questions you asked and the requests you made the night before.
We always create in our mind first, before we bring that to life in the world. You can design your life by creating a blueprint by channelling both your conscious and subconscious thoughts to figure out where you want to go and how to get there.
I challenge you to try this for two weeks. Come back and leave me a comment. I guarantee it will work.