Creating What You Want in 2023
It’s hard to believe it’s the end of another year.
But it’s time to think about what you want to create in 2023. And I want to start with a description of what I want to create in 2023, in the hope that it will help you see what you want.
I’ve found it’s really hard for people to want something for themselves until they see it is possible for others.
It feels greedy. It feels selfish. A lot of people, myself included, were shamed by their parents for wanting things. And now, decades later, it can still feel uncomfortable to want something different than what I have.
I call it the curse of good enough. “I make a good living. I generally enjoy myself. I have what I need. My bills are paid. Sure, it feels a bit empty, a bit hollow, and I’m pretty exhausted a lot of the time, but why would I risk that? Who am I to want more?â€
As someone who left one career to start another, at the age of 51, I can say from personal experience that it is possible. And that it feels amazing to look back at what I have accomplished, and to look forward as I see that so much more is possible. And it feels even more amazing to feel more fully aligned to what I actually want for myself and for others.
“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.†Joseph Campbell
On a day to day basis, how often do you truly feel alive? When is the last time you felt excited about the work that you do? About the way that you spend the majority of your waking hours (sometimes, the vast majority)?
It can be different. Uncomfortable, perhaps. But undeniably alive.
My goals for 2023 are about maximizing the amount of life I feel. I have been fortunate to grow a coaching practice in which I have created financial stability. But I want more, too.
Yes, I want more financial security. But I am beginning to recognize that other things are just as important. Maybe more so.
After a year in which I did a lot of deep inner work on both getting clear on what I want, and then asking for it clearly, just writing these things, saying them out loud, as it were, is helping me to feel more alive!
I Want More Conversation
I spend a lot of time creating, but much of it is in isolation. I create content for LinkedIn and for YouTube. I write for my email list. But I’d like to spend more time in live conversation about the things I love. About seeing the possibilities for people and creating those possibilities with them.
Conversation is the most powerful way in which we all create. When you are talking to yourself, it’s really hard to come up with something new. But I find that every conversation brings up something new, something that has never been thought before, both by me and by the person I am in conversation with.
That’s exciting. That, too me, is one way to feel more alive more often.
I Want More Community
One-on-one conversation is beautiful. There is power and revelation in it. There is the possibility of something new.
But a community to witness and hold and join in that conversation is even more powerful.
As my one-on-one coaching practice has filled, I have spent more time exploring the possibility of groups.
A group of people who are creating something new.
A group of founders who are wanting to grow their companies.
A group of coaches who are wanting to creating business more effectively.
I’ve found in each of these contexts that groups can be more effective than one-on-one conversation. There is something about witnessing others in their greatness, and having others witness us in ours, that enables people to do more than they could on their own.
There is a willingness to take risks. A shared accountability. And it’s powerful.
I want to create opportunities for more people to experience that this year. Whether that’s in a group of five or a group of a hundred. Whether it involves significant fees or it’s totally free of charge.
I want to build a community of people who are looking in the same direction as I am. Toward our inherent creative capacity.
To see, to fundamentally realize that we are and always have been creating our own experience of life moment by moment is powerful. To see it with a group of people looking in the same direction, over and over again, is transformational.
I Want More Freedom
I want more freedom for both me and the people I am in conversation with and the community that I am creating.
What is freedom?
For some, that could mean financial freedom—to have more than enough to do and have what you want.
For others, it could mean the ability to be yourself. To state your truth in the world without fear of repercussions.
We all have deep fears that we are unworthy. Yet we are also unique and uniquely lovable. We all have gifts. I feel most alive when I am sharing mine.
I have created a life in which the more I speak my truth, the more my clients find their way to me. And I have found with every one of my clients, speaking their truth, as fearful as that can seem, is the best and fastest way to find or create their best opportunities as well.
The work, it seems, is in getting clear on who you are in the deepest sense, and with what wants to emerge from that deeper place.
What Do You Want to Create?
I’ve shared a lot, and I hope that it’s brought up some things in you.
What do you want to be different in 2023? What do you want to create?
More conversation? More community? More freedom?
Something more specific? A new job, a new line of business, a new investor or board member?
If something comes to mind, even if it’s not yet clear, I want to be in conversation with you. I want you to be part of the community I am building.
If you want to be part of my community, too—
— Subscribe to my email list here.
— Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.
If you’re a founder, I’m in the process of creating a very special experience for you. But I need your help. Reach out here to schedule a research call.
Creating What’s Next
It can be easy to think about the logical next step—
If you’re a VP, it might be getting promoted to SVP, or taking an SVP role.
If you are C-Suite, it might be CEO.
If you’ve had an exit, it might be to start something bigger.
But life seems to be a bit messier than that. Happiness, fulfillment, meaning, all seem to have no inherent logic.
The heart calls, whether in your current role or something new, and is the strongest hint I know of that happiness is found in a particular direction.
It can be hard to acknowledge your heart, let alone follow it.
For most people, connecting with others is a great first step.
This is an invitation. Reach out—to me, to someone who you know understands you, to anyone who you can talk with at this level.
The more you see this, the more freedom and aliveness you will experience.
And you will live in this paradox of not needing anything (you are already complete) AND being able to create everything you want.
Watch for more in this space in 2023. And again—
— Subscribe to my email list here.
— Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.
If you’re a founder, schedule some time here to talk about a very special research project.
Have a wonderful holiday season and look for the next Creating Monthly in 2023.