Creating what we want to see in the world
For years I've been working with a group of people in Portland, Oregon to try to ban, transition away from, eliminate, get rid of - the awful sound and pollution of gas-powered leaf blowers and other gas-powered tools. I've written articles about this - we have a FB page and group - a newsletter on the topic - petitions, etc. Yesterday I had a revelation - what if instead I start focusing on the scenes I want to see - leaves used to cover gardens in the Winter. Trees wrapped with leaves mulching them at the base. Here's an example of this. These folks use their leaves to cover their garden for the winter.
I think this is the way forward. I'd be curious to hear what you think. So far, I've posted a video about this on Nextdoor - and right away, a woman posted that she was grateful and will try it out herself. More leaving the leaves and less leaf-blowing. Sounds good to me!