Creating Value Through People
Carlos Falsiroli, MBA
Sales Manager @ MAYEKAWA USA INC | GMAT, Critical Thinking,MBA
Which of the following does your firm report on, monitor, and react to most frequently??Which consume the most management time?
a.??????Client satisfaction levels
b.??????The strength of key client relationship
c.??????Employee motivation and energy
d.??????Levels of collaboration among staff
e.??????Financial results
If you are like the overwhelming majority of businesses, you will focus primarily on financial results. Consequently, you are making less money than you could!!
Why? Because managing a business by only looking at financial results is like trying to win a sports game by keeping your eye firmly fixed on the score board. Financial results are just that: results. They are the outcome of excellence (or lack of it) in the key process that produce the value that your customers and clients pay for. What you must manage are the things that produce value: energised employees who deliver outstanding quality and service to the marketplace. Does this mean that you don′t monitor finances in great detail? Of course not. Financial discipline is the bedrock of business success, but it is not all of it, and maybe not even the greater part of it. The real key is the ability to get your people sufficiently focused so that they eagerly and willingly strive for high standards.
Challenges and Opportunities
Over the years, I have seen a lot of strategic plans of many companies. Remarkably, they are almost always identical. Everyone figures out correctly which client sectors are growing, which services are rising on demand, and which dimensions of competition, such as client service or innovation, clients are looking for. The strategy documents are the same because everyone′s smart. Everyone knows what needs to be done.
If this is so, then what is competition really about? It is about who can best complete the work that must be done. And this is in turn is determined by the following set of closely related concepts:
Where these exist, the discipline can be found to engage in diligent execution and thereby out perform the competition. The role of the manager is to be a net creator of enthusiasm, excitement, passion and ambition. Alas, all to often managers are destroyers of excitement. If all they ever talk about is finances (“How are your billings?” “What is happening to receivables?”), it can deaden the spirit. That doesn′t mean they don′t need to talk about these things-they do. But they must not talk only about these things. It′s the manager′s job to inspire, cajole, exhort, nag, support, critique, praise, encourage, confront, and comfort, as individual people (and groups of people) struggle to live their work lives according to higher standards.
All strategies, at some time or the other, involve a trade-off between short term cash and executing the strategy. If you are going to get the benefits of a strategy, you must be willing to practise what you preach, both when it′s convenient and, most importantly, when is not.
Many people don′t believe that their leaders truly want them to act strategically. Whenever a choice needs to be made between strategy and short-term cash-and it always does-most people feel under significant, if not irresistible, pressure from management to go for the cash. Usually the message from the firm′s leadership is clear: strategy can wait for tomorrow (if we can get paid for competence, why strive for excellence?). Rather than leaders being a source of encouragement to execute the strategy, they are all too often the biggest obstacles to the implementation of the strategy.
If you want to be known as excellent at something, then you have to be reliably, consistently excellent at it. Business life is filled with daily temptations, short term expediencies, and wonderful excuses for why we can′t afford to stick to high standards today.?We take in work that′s off-strategy (after all, it′s cash!), we defer training until some more convenient time (often never!), we postpone investments until the ever-escalating profit goals are met, and the market principle is: we never met a dollar of revenue we didn′t like!
There is nothing inherently wrong about making these choices, but you must not fool yourself. If you are willing to sacrifice value to earn short term cash, you won′t create a market reputation for superior quality. It takes courage to believe that a reputation for excellence is worth more in the long run than incremental cash. In their vision, mission and strategy documents, firms say that they are aiming for excellence, but that′s not how they operate.
Managers must have the courage of the convictions they spouse, maintain a long-term focus, and intervene personally whenever there are departures from the values and vision that create excellence. The problem with the implementation of strategies is the absence of certain and recognisable consequences for noncompliance. If the manager does not have the courage to tackle individuals who are not behaving in accordance to the strategy, then others will quickly realise that the new strategy is not something they have to do. They will quickly cease strive to comply, and the benefits of the strategy will never be attained.
Great managers give their people individually and collectively the confidence that greater success, fulfillment, accomplishment, and profits are indeed attainable. They give their people the courage to try. Change is threatening, however, and many, if not most, people operate well within their comfort zone, reluctant to abandon the old habits that brought them to their current success. If managers are often demanding, they must also be supportive. They must manage with a positive, supportive style.
Just as management involves a delicate balance between being supportive and being demanding, it also requires a style of insistent patience; it is the difference between saying Rome wasn′t built in a day and insisting that we are building Rome. People must believe that the manager has the courage to believe in something and, more importantly, will stick with it. There is no greater condemnation of managers than to say they are expedient, and no greater commendation than to say that a manager truly lives and act in accordance with what he or she preaches.
Being Effective and Successful
An effective manager must be:
b.??????Disciplined about standards
c.??????Even-handed and even-tempered
d.??????Genuine and sincere
e.??????Able to read people′s character and skill levels effectively
What do the most successful managers do?
a.??????First you build your people and the rest will come;
b.??????Fun disciplined combined get the job done
c.??????It is important how people treat each other; monitor it and manage it
d.??????People must trust management and trust each other
e.??????Success is about character, respect, integrity, trust, honesty, empowerment, confidence, loyalty, and keeping promises
f.???????You must be on long term and not get stampeded by short term pressures
g.??????You must balance your focus on people, clients and finance
h.??????You must live up to your values every day
i.????????Your agenda as a manager is to create a great place to work.
Finally, here are the rules on which the most successful managers model their behaviour:
a.??????Act as if not trying in the only sin
b.??????Act as if you want everyone to succeed
c.??????Actively help people with their personal development
d.??????Always do what you are going to do
e.??????Do what is right over the long term for clients and for your people
f.???????Do not regard yourself as separate and distinct from your people
g.??????Facilitate, do not dictate
h.??????Let people know you are a human being
i.????????Show enthusiasm and drive
j.????????Speak regularly about your vision and philosophy so people know where you stand
k.??????Take the work seriously but do not take yourself seriously
l.????????Understand what drives individuals
m.????Know all your people as individuals.??
A person does not build a business. A person builds an organisation that builds a business. Many managers are appointed because of their financial skills, their business development skills, or their technical excellence. However there comes a point where the central question is, “Can you manage?” Are you a net creator of energy, drive, and ambition in others? Ca you cause others to strive to achieve high standards?