Creating UX (customer experience) with Social Media
Social is a great way to drive customer experience and here are some key ways every business, even with limited resources can incorporate it. With well over a billion people using social media every day, and a growing trend toward people engaging with their favorite brands online, you want to be available for customers to connect with you, and if you are “there” to connect, actually be present to respond when someone reaches out.
How does the average business take on social media as an active customer experience channel?
- Customer updates: There are many ways to send updates to your clients, but as we all know we are bombarded everyday with information. By using social media it is easy for customers on demand to go and see your updates, or by connecting with your brand they can check in on you when they visit you online. With spam and distractions in great abundance what better way to keep customers posted on the good and the bad. For instance a cloud provider that experiences an outage can have customers follow them to get updates on the outage. That way, company resources can put their focus on fixing the problem rather than giving updates to endless callers.
- Real-time engagement: Sure the phone is a great way to connect in real time, but anyone that has dealt with customer service knows how awful waits and queues can be. Further, people like to text and chat online rather than pick up the phone. Social media is a great way to engage in real time and give customers feedback quickly. Based on the fact that more than 32% of people are looking for a response to an online post within 30 minutes, the use of social for real time seems like a great way to make customers happy.
- Trust building: Perhaps less obvious than the first two, being available and visible online is a great way to build trust with current and prospective customers. By knowing that you are there and seeing the way you react, inform and respond online, a prospective customer can get a better gauge of what it may be like to do business with you. For current customers, the visibility and immediacy that social channels can provide can serve as a vote of confidence in their current investment with your company and perhaps win you some points that you may need in the future.