Creating Unnecessary Work?
How do we get lost in the trivial activities of the workday?
Two reasons: Equality and Perfectionism
1. Equality at Work is a lie.
Not all activities at work are equal, yet we think and act with this paralyzing thought.
"Every activity is equal...and it all must get done."
We quickly find ourselves in the weeds of reoccurring themes:
- Overcommitted - Overworked - Overwhelmed
To prove my point, what were the three most important activities that you accomplished last week?
Shift your mindset: Act Less and Think More
We spend our day combating internal thoughts of worthiness and productivity, and we masquerade them by staying busy.
2. Everything has to be perfect.
Perfectionism leads to micromanaging of employees, projects, and long work days.
Perfectionism is like going outside with a pair of scissors after you have cut the grass to see if you missed any grass blades.
Think of perfectionism as a virus in the body that is working against itself.
Instead of creating new ideas and solving reoccurring problems, we are continually experiencing feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction.
To overcome this habit created over many years, we need to do two things:
1. Work to obtain 70-80% completion
2. Ask for help
by Eric Papp