Creating trusted and personal experiences will help enterprises defend against unknown but inevitable disruption
Every industry and marketplace is facing disruption. The disruption is fueled by the ever changing expectations of the "empowered consumer". In addition, new, non-vertical competition in every marketplace (ie - A strong online retail brand entering the mobile device space) and unknown, future competition ( the middle school student that will soon create the next gadget or business model), as well as other unknown market disruptors are putting new pressure on the C suite of ALL enterprises. One way to defend against inevitable yet unknown market disruption is to build strong, trusted and personal relationships with customers so when disruption occurs, customers look to their trusted relationship with an existing enterprise and ask "what should I do?" rather then be drawn to the bright shinny object. This is what focusing on experience design and the user can do for an enterprise. So, defining and building experiences and outcomes that yield trusted, personal relationships with all stakeholders and the broad ecosystem of users will help defend against unknown market disruption. Pay attention to experience design, it's more critical now then ever before.