Creating A True Choice
You will remember the day that you shift into the creative orientation and away from choosing to fix problems. You’ll remember it because it’ll have this amazing realisation that right now, you are perfect. You aren’t broken and you have everything you need in this moment to create a life that you truly love!
And this is how Magnetic Mind differs from the rest of the personal development world.
The personal development, self-help, and the therapy world focuses on unpacking, and updating dysfunctional structures in the name of healing. When really, if you’re living in a problem reality where all you are doing is focusing on fixing what you see as problems before you can actually start pursuing what you love… you are forever going to keep looking for problems to fix about yourself because that’s what motivates you!
And the truth is, we don't need to live in that ‘fixing’ structure at all.
Magnetic mind is so different from the personal development world becuse Magnetic Mind isn’t personal development, it's creative development. When you learn how to step into the creative structure and turn your thoughts into things, you realize that you're not broken and you can have what it is that you choose just the way you are.
Why don’t we naturally have a creative orientation?
Here’s an interesting thing: most of us, if not all of us, have been born into the wrong orientation in life, the orientation of looking at the world and looking at life as something that needs to be solved or fixed or improved. When we are born, our first experience is a negative one because suddenly, we’re no longer safe and warm inside the womb but separated and feeling unsettled and vulnerable. Crazy isn’t it to think that all it takes is that one first experience to trigger us into a fixing orientation later in life?
But the truth is, you just need to choose to live in a creative structure.
And this takes a while to get your head around because we're so conditioned to want to fix, to improve and think that if we had that, life would be better.
And so someone asked me, “you know, Chris, how can you be so certain that that other orientation is so wrong?â€
This was my answer, “you can go out there, and you can see a lot of people who are still trying to fix their situation, trying to have something better….we can observe that that orientation doesn't work!â€
It's been well tested and it's been proven that living in a problem-solving orientation doesn't actually work. What works is creative development, understanding how to create, and realizing that there's nothing wrong with feeling fear or other emotions that can be perceived as negative.
A lot of self-help or self-development courses view feeling doubt, uncertainty or fear, as the enemy. Like, how dare you be scared of something? This just makes you more focused on trying to fix yourself!
The truth is, that fear, that anxiety, that doubt you possibly feel, these emotions are a very useful part of the human condition and there's nothing wrong with it. We need to focus on what we’re creating rather than fixing these emotions! And that’s what we do in Magnetic Mind, we accept and appreciate this emotion and then we create choices that don’t focus on trying to fix them but rather focus on creating something that we’d truly love to have.
It's really important to understand that you can create a life you love without fixing yourself.
And so after reading all of this, go create a life you love, go create things you love. And just know that it takes a while to wake up to the creative orientation, but keep choosing to step into your creative orientation and one day you’ll realise that you have completely shifted into it.