Creating Through Love
Rainbow Sky

Creating Through Love

Creation by Love at Easter:

From Psalm 139 - O Lord, you have searched me and known me.

Apocalypse (of Jerome Heath)

theme 2

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 . . . 

Oceans and oceans,

The sea, the sea, the sea,

Great waves crashing against the shore.

The dreams, the ideas, the plans,

Again and again the wrath of God

Will clash with the plans of men.

And their dreams tumble.

The ideas of men collapse.

So they are no more

But a heap of rubbish,

A page of meaningless symbols,

A forgotten field,

A plot of ground,

A grave.

To rest, to sleep

Forever, forever, forever.

Oceans and oceans,

The sea, the sea, the sea,

Great waves crashing against the shore.

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Jerome Heath

SONGS 139* 

Hawaiian Pidgin

God Know Me An Take Kea Me

One David kine song fo God, fo da main music guy

1 Eh! You Da One In Charge!

You check me out all da time

Fo see how I stay inside.

Az how you know eryting bout me.

2 Erytime I sit down o stan up,

You know bout all dat.

No matta you stay far away,

You know wat I tink.

3 From da time I wake up

Till da time I go sleep,

You see wea I go.

You know awready how I do stuff.

4 Eh Boss, even befo

Someting come outa my mout,

Fo real, you know eryting I goin tell!

5 You stay all aroun me fo take kea me.

You put yoa hand on top me

Fo no let notting happen to me.

6 Da way you know me,

Blow my mind!

You know me mo betta

Den I know me!

7 Eh, no way I can go some place

Wea yoa Spirit no stay!

No mo one place fo me run away to,

An you no stay dea too!

8 If I go up to da sky, you stay ova dea.

If I spread out my bed

Inside da Mahke Peopo Place,

You stay ova dea too.

9 If I get da kine bird wing fo fly,

From da place wea da sun come up,

To da mos far side a da ocean

Wea da sun go down,

Fo live dea,

10 No matta, cuz you stay dea too!

Even dea you goin show me wea fo go

An grab me wit yoa hand

Fo no let me fall down.

11 If I tell, “Fo shua, da dark goin hide me!”

O if I tell, “Da nite goin cova up

Da light fo me!”

12 No matta—

Cuz even nite time,

No stay dark enuff

Fo you no see me.

Fo you, da nite time stay light

Jalike da day time.

Fo you, in da dark o in da light,

No make diffrence.

13 Eh God, you wen make me

An eryting inside my body.

Wen my muddah come hapai,

You wen put togedda all my parts.

14 I like tell you dat you da greates,

Cuz wen you wen make me

You wen do spesho kine tings fo me,

An ho! dass skery!

Eryting you make, stay awesome!

Inside I know dass da trut

Fo real kine!

15 Da way my bones come togedda,

You wen see um real good,

Dea inside my muddah

Wea nobody can see um.

Was jalike I stay deep unda da groun

All da time you put

Da diffren piece togedda.

16 Befo I born, you see my body

Come togedda.

You wen write down inside yoa book

Wat goin happen ery day I stay live.

17 Eh God! Az real deep,

Da way you tink bout me!

Da stuff you tink bout me,

No can count!

18 Wen I try fo count um,

Dey mo plenny den da sand

On top da beach!

Still yet, erytime I wake up,

You stay right dea wit me!

19 Eh God! I like fo you kill da peopo

Dat do bad tings!

All you killas, get outa my life!

20 Dem guys, da ony time

Dey talk bout you,

Az wen dey like scam somebody.

Dey use yoa name fo do

Any kine pilau kine stuff,

Cuz dey stay agains you.

21 Eh! You Da One In Charge!

Da peopo dat hate you,

Dey da ones I goin hate too!

Da peopo dat go fight you,

Dey good fo notting!

22 I hate dem guys to da max!

Dey da ones I stay agains.

23 Eh, God! Check me out

Fo see how I stay deep inside.

Go tes me, an know wat tings

I tink bout dat bodda me.

24 If you see anyting inside me

Dat bodda you, go tell me.

Show me da right way fo go

Fo get da kine life

Dat goin stay to da max foeva!

JOB 10*


9No foget dat you wen make me

Jalike I da clay fo make one pot.

Now you goin change me

Fo come dirt one mo time, o wat?!

10You wen pour me out jalike I milk,

An make me come solid jalike cheese.

11Den you weave me togedda wit bones an tendons,

An cova me wit meat an skin.

12You make um so I come alive,

An make um fo you stay tight wit me.

You da God dat make one plan

Fo take kea my spirit.



9Cuz was you dat wen born me from my muddah.

From small bebe time, I stay trus you.

10From da time I wen born,

Jalike you wen hanai me.

From da time I come outa my muddah,

You was da God dat take kea me.


Peshita Holy Bible Translated

11And it will be in that day, LORD JEHOVAH shall add his hand the second time to purchase the remnant of his people who were left from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathrus, and from Cush, and from Ilam, and from Seir, and from Khamath and from the islands of the sea

12And he shall lift up a sign to the nations, and he shall gather the wanderers of Israel, and he shall gather the scattered ones of Judea from the four edges of the Earth

**From: The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated - Translated by Glenn David Bauscher - Glenn David Bauscher - Lulu Publishing - Copyright ? 2018 Lulu Publishing - 3rd edition Copyright ? 2019

*From: Hawaii Pidgin Bible (HPB)

Hawaii Pidgin [Hawaii Creole English]

Read Version: Hawaii Pidgin Bible

?2020 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.


Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.


Apocalypse (of Jerome Heath)


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I am a song of God.

I am a song God is singing.

A melody in history,

A song that is part of destiny...

It may be forgotten in the strains of strife.

It may be lost in the symphony of life,

Like a ripple on the sea.

But God will sing the song of me,

For this melody is my melody:

It is only for me!

Not to be sung for any other,

Forever, forever, forever !

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Jerome Heath

Genesis (of Jerome Heath)

The River

 "a season of beauty upon the mountains when one preaches good news”

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I see the sun rise in the morning on a new day, on a beautiful day. As the first light of the sun marks the morning so I have seen the first light of a new beginning; so I awaken from darkness into light

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mountains and sky

mountains and sky

the river

washing by

washing by us

with feeling

toward us

mountains and sky

forever by us

washing us

with feeling







A narrow path up a sheer cliff leads upward towards the source of the river. There is only one way out. And the sheer cliff has a name. It is called THE LAW. And the law says:

"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for on the day you eat of it you shall die."

Warm rains fall, like the tears of a child, washing the sorrow away, so the earth is good once again. With the water the river of life is filled carrying the ashes of sin to the sea.

I feel a cool breeze on my cheeks

The long hard day is nearly past

A warm glow is on the horizon

My journey is ending

I see a grave. I see the ground above the grave break open and a man sits up in his grave. He gets up out of his grave and walks away.

I see a river of clear sparkling water bordered by rock strewn slopes of tree covered hills. A multitude comes to the edge of the water. Some kneel down to drink while others wade into the water. But I dive headlong into the water.

I see two hands break the surface of the water to lift me, now a child, upon a rock. This child sees a world never before seen. All about is a world aglow as if on fire. Trees, bushes, and rocks appear to be on fire. But the fire does not consume.

why is the river so different

why is it so bright

why is the river so different

why is it so clear

why is the river so different

why is it so sparkling

I’ve seen this river before

but never like this

I’ve known this river before

but never so wonderful





like never before

so bright

so clear

so wonderful

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by Jerome Heath

John 21*


Jesus Talk To His Guys*

[After the Resurrection.]

1An den, afta dat, Jesus let his guys see him one mo time. Dis happen by Lake Tiberias, da Galilee Lake. Dis wat wen happen: 2Some a Jesus guys come togedda. Get Simon Peter, an Thomas da guy dey call Da Twin, Natanael da guy from Cana town Galilee side, an Zebedee two boys, plus two odda guys dat Jesus stay teach. 3Simon Peter tell da guys, “Eh, I like go fish!”

An dey tell um, “Yeah! We like go too.”

So da guys go down to da beach, an dey go inside one boat. But dat nite, dey neva catch notting.

4Den wen real early in da morning wen get ony litto bit light, Jesus stay standing dea on top da beach. But his guys, dey neva know was him. 5Jesus tell um, “Eh! Wat you guys catch?”

Dey tell, “Whitewash! No mo notting!”

6 Den he tell um, “Go lay da net ova da right side! You goin get plenny fish dea!”

Dey lay da net, an catch choke plenny fish, so da guys no can pull up da net.

7Me, I was dea too. I da guy dat Jesus get plenny love an aloha fo. I tell Peter, “Eh! Dass Da One In Charge!” Wen Simon Peter hear dat, he put on his shirt dat he take off befo he go work, an den he jump outa da boat fo swim quick to da beach, 8cuz da boat ony stay bout hundred yard from da beach. So den Jesus odda guys row da boat back to da beach, an drag da net wit all da fish inside on top da beach.

9Wen da guys jump outa da boat, dey spock one charcoal fire on top da beach. Get one fish on top da charcoal an get bread. 10Jesus tell um, “Eh, bring some a da fish you guys wen catch ova hea.”

11So Simon Peter go back inside da boat an help da guys drag da net on top da beach. Had choke plenny big kine fish inside—hundred fifty three! An you know wat? Da net neva even broke, no matta had choke plenny fish inside.

12Jesus tell um, “Come on, you guys! Breakfas stay ready awready!”

His guys, dey know awready was him, Da One In Charge. Dey too sked fo aks him, “Who you?” 13Den Jesus go ova dea, an take da bread an give um to his guys. Same ting wit da fish. 14Az was three time Jesus let da guys see him afta he come back alive from mahke.

2020 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.

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Flashback - Reminders of Another Day

Psalm 126**

Peshita Holy Bible Translated

1When LORD JEHOVAH reverses the captivity of Zion, we will be like those who rejoice!

2Then laughter will fill our mouth and praise will fill our tongue! Then they will say in the place of the Gentiles, "LORD JEHOVAH works with these greatly"!

3LORD JEHOVAH works greatly for us, and we are in joy!

4Return our captivity, LORD JEHOVAH, like the streams in the South.

5Those who sow in tears will reap in joy!

6One that keeps walking and weeping, while carrying seed, is going to come in joy, carrying sheaves.

The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated - Translated by Glenn David Bauscher - Glenn David Bauscher - Lulu Publishing - Copyright ? 2018 Lulu Publishing - 3rd edition Copyright ? 2019

Psalm 23**

Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

1LORD JEHOVAH will shepherd me and I shall lack nothing.

2He will make me lie upon lush pastures and he will lead me by restful waters.

3He brings back my soul, and leads me in the paths of truth because of your Name.

4Even if I shall walk in the valleys of the shadows of death, I will not be afraid of evil, because you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me,

5You have prepared tables in front of me opposite my enemies; you have anointed my head with oil and my cup overflows as if it were alive.

6Your kindness and your mercies pursue me all the days of my life, that I may dwell in the house of LORD JEHOVAH to the length of days.

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The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated - Translated by Glenn David Bauscher - Glenn David Bauscher - Lulu Publishing - Copyright ? 2018 Lulu Publishing - 3rd edition Copyright ? 2019

*2020 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.

Learn More About Hawaii Pidgin Bible

?2020 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.


Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.

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Reminders of another day

Rise from shackles of my mind

Rhythms that I dare regard

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 Drum Picture from: Violets from Valerie Heath: Watercolors

The Drum of Life

Poetic Excerpts from:

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Journey: Symphonic Poem

Winter melt and early rain

Swells the tiny willow paws

Sticks that now will come alive

Reminders of another day

Rise from shackles of my mind

Rhythms that I dare regard

Unrelenting drum of life.

Blossoms in the wood

Garlands of the heath

Secret joys

The drum of life...

Crystal sparkling sunlit rain

Wets the grass and makes it shine

Simple flowers dip and bob

Reminders of another day

Rise from shackles of my mind

Rhythms that I dare regard

Unrelenting Drum of life.

Blossoms in the wood

Garlands of the heath

Hidden beauty

Secret joys

The drum of life.

 . . . 

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Valerie Heath: Violets

Harmonic View of Creation

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Genesis 1

Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

1In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. 2The Earth was chaos and empty and darkness on the faces of the depths and the Spirit of God hovered on the faces of the waters.

3And God said, “The light shall be”, and the light was. 4And God saw the light that it is beautiful and God separated between the light unto the darkness. 5And God called the light the day, and the darkness he called the night, and it was evening and it was dawn, day one.

6And God said, “The sky shall be in the middle of the waters, and will be separating between the waters unto the waters.” 7And God made the firmament, and it separated between the waters lower than the sky and between the waters that were higher than the sky, and it was in this way. 8And God called the sky, Heaven; and it was evening and it was dawn, day second.

9And God said, “The waters shall be gathered that are lower than Heaven to one region, and the dried land shall appear”, and it was in this way. 10And God called the dried land, Earth, and the assembly of waters he called, the Seas, and God saw that it was excellent. 11And God said, “The Earth shall bring forth new grass, grass that seeds seed for its kind, and the tree of fruit that makes fruit for its kind, of its planting inside it on the Earth”, and it was in this way. 12And the Earth brought out new grass, grass that seeds the seed for its kind, and the tree that makes the fruit of its planting inside it, for its kind, and God saw that it was pleasing. 13And it was evening, and it was dawn, day third.

14And God said, “Lights shall be in the firmament of Heaven to distinguish between daytime and night and they shall be for signs and for times and for days and for years: 15And they shall be giving light in the firmament of Heaven to give light on the Earth”, and it was in this way. 16And God made two great lights: a great light for a ruler of daytime, and one little light for a ruler of the night, and the stars. 17And God gave them in the firmament of Heaven to give light on the Earth, 18And to rule by day and by night and to separate between the light unto the darkness, and God saw that it was good. 19And it was evening, and it was dawn, day fourth.

20And God said, “Swarmers shall swarm the waters, the living soul, and the bird will fly above the Earth, above the face of the firmament of Heaven.” 21And God created the great Dragon and every living soul, swarmers that made the waters swarm with their kinds, and every bird of the wing with its kind, and God saw that it was beautiful. 22And God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters that are in the Seas, and the bird will increase in the earth.” 23And it was evening, and it was dawn, day fifth.

24And God said, “The Earth shall produce the living soul with its genus, beast, and creepers, and the beast of the Earth with its kind”, and it was in this way. 25And God made the animal of the Earth with its genus, and the cattle with its genus, and every creeper of the Earth with its kind, and God saw that it was excellent.

26And God said, “We shall make men in our image, according to our form, and they shall rule among the fish of the Sea, and among the birds of Heaven, and among cattle, and among all animals of the Earth, and among all creepers that creep on the Earth.” 27And God created Adam in his image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28And God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the Sea, and over the fowl of Heaven, and over cattle, and over all animals that creep on the Earth.” 29And God said, “Behold, I have given to you all grass of the seed that bears seed on the face of all the Earth, and every tree that has in itself the fruit of the tree, of its seed, bearing seed; you shall have it for food. 30And every animal of the wilderness and every bird of Heaven and for everything that swarms on the Earth that has in it the living soul and all green grass for food”, and it was so. 31And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very pleasing, and it was evening and it was dawn, the sixth day.

The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated - Translated by Glenn David Bauscher - Glenn David Bauscher - Lulu Publishing - Copyright ? 2018 Lulu Publishing - 3rd edition Copyright ? 2019

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The Drum of Life

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 . . . 

Seed pods crack and break apart

Give their seeds to gusty winds

Specks that may start life anew

Reminders of another day

Rise from shackles of my mind

Rhythms that I dare regard

Unrelenting drum of life.

Where is the lonely wood?

Blossoms in the mind

Where is the virgin heath?

Garlands of the soul

Where is the secret place?

Inner rhythms

Where is the drum of life?

Blossoms in the wood

Garlands of the heath

Secret joys

Tender glory

Inner rhythms

The drum of life!

Reminders of another day

Rise from shackles of my mind

Rhythms that I dare regard

I know the drum of life!

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 From: Valerie: Watercolors

Psalm 23

Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

 . . . 

4Even if I shall walk in the valleys of the shadows of death, I will not be afraid of evil, because you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me, 

 . . . 

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SONGS . . .

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Abide With Me Hymn - Gods Country


I Need Thee Every Hour

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Beautiful old Russian Orthodox Chant

Albinoni Adagio

When God makes a river it is never straight. When lightning strikes it is never straight. No two pebbles are exactly alike. No two mountains are exactly alike. No two clouds are exactly alike. No two days are exactly alike. These are different details of the same rules. Harmonics is the love of God in action. Polymorphism is the pattern of God's love. The love of God fills the universe.



The ‘Spirit-Breath-Wind’ one word-‘RUKHA’ as our link to God

New King James Version

John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes [θ?λει (thelei) - To will, wish, desire, be willing, intend, design.], and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Aramaic Bible in Plain English [Glenn David Bauscher]

John 3:8 "The Spirit [RUKHA - breath or wind - the understanding here is that the breath of our body and the wind of nature, is one combined - polymorphic - entity - and this is implied as our connection to God as spirit] breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where he comes and where he goes [RUKHA is independent and free = not encumbered by a script]; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.”

From: Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages.; -

Talking Heads - Choice of Language

By the talking heads concept - the mind is capable of switching languages depending on the nationality of talking heads in the room or vicinity. We all can do this if we live in a culture of, or commonly experience groups that are of, different languages.

Jesus, when growing up, would experience a cacophony of different talking heads in the nearby cosmopolitan city like Capernaum. He probably knew Aramaic, Greek, Hebrew, and maybe some Latin. There could have been a common (or perhaps several common) pidgin or cajun language(s) that were used for mixed groups being present. Living and growing up there, he would be privy to understanding much of this cacophony.

That is why the young man in Trinidad switched to cajun when he gave his story. There were many languages in the group and he intuitively wanted everyone to understand. Our problem was that we did not live or grow up there and only understood English.

It is under Harmonics that the wind does blow where it decides to blow. That means it is independent of a strict "Newtonian" cause and effect [RUKHA is independent and free]. We all actually recognize that but might not like it because it means God throws dice. The meaningfulness of the free will of the wind is enhanced by the fact that even though the winds movement is probabilistic, the actual choices of the wind are affected by constraints of the system [The decision is based on a set of possibilities and their distribution.]. But the input and output is still both probability distributions. And the choice is made from the available possibilities.

Under Harmonics, the Wind Acts Like Tall Buildings (and Canyon Walls) are Attractors

Originally Published on April 16, 2019

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The "attraction" is not a force but rather a change in the distribution course of the air [wind] due to a constraint - the tall building (or canyon walls). This is like wind in a narrow canyon (like Oahu's Palolo) with tall almost straight up walls (like a building). The walls constrain the wind like it is "attracted" to the surfaces. There is no real attraction as the constraint causes the wind to bend [by harmonics] to the presence of the constraint - and look "like" attraction.

Amazing Grace Cherokee Version

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* Swedenborg's 'Preternatural Sleep' was believed by some to be a trance state based on breathing exercises [using a form of Yoga].

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Journey: Symphonic Poem, Theme and Variation

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Polymorphic Interpretation

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Jerome Heath

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The Blue Parasol

You are loved by Da Big Guy, Da Boss.

This Light of Mine

This Little Light of Mine

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The Aramaic literal translation of Our Father is in the perspective of Mindfulness.

Our beloved, who is everywhere - Help us breath and live your name 

Your rule come to earth now - Create your desire in me - Grant what we need each day 

Forgive the faults that bind us, as we forgive the faults that we bind to others 

Free us from distractions and help us to not forget our source 

From you arises every vision, power, and song from gathering to gathering. 


Light a Candle for Peace

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The Next in the Series: HOLY WEEK: Death and Resurrection

Hashtags: #God #life #birth #forever #light #creation #grave #rebirth #love


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