Creating A System for Business
???So, what are the pieces of your business that you have to automate??Well, let’s just talk about what it takes to have a business.?To have a business, you have to have marketing.?You have to have sales.?You have to have accounting.?You’ve got to fulfill.?You got to come back with customer service and have all the technology and other operational processes around it.?So, you’ve got to have at least five to seven departments.
????A lot of you think you’re going to quit your job and go be little solopreneurs.?Solopreneuring is suffering.?There’s no liability protection, there’s no tax structure advantages.?The whole thing really doesn’t work out, and you’re not financially in the system of being in a business.?You’re not in the financial systems, and I need you there to be a proper business owner.
????So, what are the automation pieces??Well, number one, you can automate your lead flow.?You can put that online.?If you’d like us to do it,?we do that now for our clients, because we need you to make the money, which means you need a lead.?Then you have to learn to sell.?Can you automate sales to a point?
????The other thing you can systemize is a CRM, a database.?You have to have a database, not followers, to run a company.?And too many of you, if you’ve been in business awhile, you’re still operating on the old referral structure.
????Always online.?You want videos, and if you don’t know how to video edit, and it’s time consuming the amount of content that I produce, we have full-time video editors.?I have to.?I mean, on many teams for many different reasons.?So, you’ve got to have those things put in place.
????This is a challenge for a lot of you, that are just getting up and running, and you don’t have cash flow.?You’re scared to spend the money on the team, because you don’t think there will be enough.?You have to trust there will be a consistency of cash flow, as long as the lead flow, and the sales are working, and then you can automate it with your database.
????Again, the Rapid Marketing System we can put in play for you.?So, you now have a systematic way to sell things on the Internet, to monetize things.?Then you do three or four things.?Just what you’re good at.?You strengthen your strengths and hire your weaknesses.
????As far as another place to automate, you can automate your bill paying.?You can use QuickBooks.?There’s great software that you can use for any of your businesses.?But get there sooner than later.?Don’t think you’re going to grow into that.?Know where your money is.?Know where your cash flow is.?The biggest thing I want you to start noticing is, where the sales are coming from.?What marketing initiative is driving the sale.?You have to know where your money comes from.
????How do you have a revenue-producing day??So, again, strengthen your strengths, hire your weaknesses.?I want you to start documenting everything that you are not good at, that you’re going to have to learn to do.?You don’t learn it.?You hire it.?I want to make you procrastination free.?So, the other thing I want you to make a list of is, everything you don’t want to do.?The only reason you procrastinate is, either you don’t know how, or you don’t want to do it.?So, then you give it away to someone else, and you may need to rotate that through your team on a different basis.
????A revenue-producing day is you driving revenue.?You’re just an emotional entrepreneur, instead of a real entrepreneur, if you don’t make any money.?So, not only do you need to get the lead and market, but you also need to sell the lead as fast as you can, and again, our systems can get you up and making money.?If you have a database and some content, we can get you up and making money in a week.?If you’re a super beginner, it might be three to four weeks, because you’ve got to get some content.
????What do you hire, and when do you hire a team??You have to hire in the categories of what you don’t want to do, and what you’re no good at.?Don’t learn them.?Your job is to learn how to be a good entrepreneur.?You do have to lead the market.?You have got to learn what are the three to five things you’re really good at.
????So, you say, well, how do I get the money to do it??You’ve got to learn to generate enough cash flow that you can hire the team.?And it’s this weird, inverted relationship when you start hiring a team, because your cash flow isn’t going to go up.?The company will go up, but your expenses are going up, and then, all of a sudden, you’re going to hit this tipping point, where all of a sudden, you will make the money in the profit, you’re actually going to make more money.?It’s this weird place of, it’s not working, it’s not working.?Too many of you give up in that moment, because you’re stressed because of the cash flow.
????You’ve got to keep the team in play.?You’ve got to give them time to get up, and you’ve got to give them time to work.?So, teams in systems are what is going to help you automate and get free, to do the things you want to do.?So, you can do other projects, if you want to do them.
????If you customize, you cannot systemize.?So, if you’re customizing every person, every project, you can’t systemize it.?And for you to systemize, you’ve got to build it one way.?And I can tell you there’s a lot of you.?Your wellness consultants out there.?There are image consultants out there. Everybody gets what they want, but that takes a lot of time for you to customize.?You graphic artists out there, that’s why it’s hard for you to scale, because you have to do custom work.
????Now, there’s systems around your company that you can do.?But watch your customization of fulfillment.?I think that’s my caution to a lot of you new entrepreneurs.?You customize every piece of fulfillment.?Takes a lot more time, which means you can’t systemize it.?So, automation, start thinking in the thousands.
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