Creating a successful work from the home team
It has come to my attention on how challenging it is to create work from home staff. A leader will have to create a conducive environment for a work from the home team. Items such as branding the background for those team meetings or giving dress advice to those holding such meetings are all a new world for many managers.
The right tools
It goes without saying a manager must make sure the required digital tools are available. These tools may include network connectivity, smartphones, computers, second screens, printing facilities and also include access to resources such as legal, training and so forth.
Connectivity is important not just the digital kind. Emotionally we are geared to be group people. Take away the office environment and some people battle to cope in isolation.
Team meetings are needed on a regular basis Some ideas include a manager to set up a virtual coffee meet for 15 minutes every week. Consider the Friday afternoon drinks meeting as a virtual happening. Set up one on one or one to many chats on the intranet, WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal. Daily I try and send a daily inspiring message as an image or an inspiring one-liner.
Communication can be virtual as well as face to face. Using the connectivity we can still have those office celebrations or plain business meetings for us all to touch base. You have to ensure you are all still present in each other's lives. Regular communication adds value and reassurance. Reassurance will keep staff productive.
Business meetings
Online meeting protocols are a must for staff and yourself in the new post-Covid world.
Consider using a neutral digital background or generic office wallpaper scene for the employees when calling clients. Ensure the correct protocols are put in place for on-line meetings, particularly with clients and external partners.
Keeping the nose to the grindstone
Look at putting in productivity reports for staff that are not self-starters. A short weekly/daily report is great for such people. While many people can work effectively from home, they are not necessarily more efficient. Creating specific goals for the day may help with staff that are not used to being alone and having to prioritise. Management reporting can drive efficiency. Efficiency means you need to focus on output, whilst measuring contracted performance indicators. Time management should be given for those that are not productive and the workaholics. An out of sync work-life balance could lead to burn-out of key staff. Draw up clear service level agreements (SLAs) with staff regarding specific deliverable, and give the unique rules of engagement so that expectations are met, and boundaries are set.
Remember to remind employees upskilling is not an office-based task. Encourage learning and development.