Creating a strengths-based culture in your business
Cult of Monday
Join the Cult of Monday. Helping businesses engage their people and helping people love their work
We spend a lot of time looking at the numbers and tracking our sales pipeline and ensuring that we run profitable businesses. This provides certainty, stability and longevity.
What we should consider attending to is how we do the work. We know that leaders and leadership teams have the biggest impact on culture and engagement. The self-awareness and interpersonal ability of your leaders in that top team is critical to creating a culture where people want to come and stay.
We adapt to the pace of a business and work with your meeting cadence to build a strengths-based culture, incrementally, from the top.
Consider the following low-effort introduction to strengths:
Who: For leadership teams that need to improve how they work together, how to surface or resolve conflict; learn to appreciate each other more; and how to lift their performance to become better, more efficient and how to have fun along the way
What: A 4-hour strengths workshop (following a strengths debrief and coaching session,1:1)
When: During a leadership team offsite, or strategy session
How: In person; the agenda includes an introduction to Gallup Strengths, small group activities follow to explore the top strengths of each of the team, how these show up and how they impact the leadership team; surfacing above the line and below the line ways of working; theming and clarifying a set of leadership principles' that the team can commit to. The leader with ultimate responsibility should set the tone and sponsor the workshop
Next Steps: The work has only just started; it is now important to have tangible and visual reminders of each individual's strengths. This includes in email signatures, in offices, in team meetings and using this lens for decision making and allocating tasks for the best outcomes.
A strengths based culture enables people to be transparent about what they do effortlessly, what energises them, how they can contribute the best to the team or the business; and in time everyone is empowered to be able to state the same.