Creating a Stellar Profile on LinkedIn
From job seeking to generating leads, having a stellar profile on LinkedIn can make a huge difference in fulfilling your goals on the platform. You can be sure that if you're conducting any lead generation efforts using LinkedIn, those prospects that you're reaching out to are definitely looking at your LinkedIn profile.
We know how difficult it can be to market yourself. In order to help business owners attracting leads, we have compiled a list of tips on how you can make an effective LinkedIn profile.
Think of a Catchy Headline
The headline is one of the first things that people see when they look at a LinkedIn profile. Most people only put their job title; although it’s good to be straight to the point, your job title alone will not make you stand out among employers. Try to think of something that is memorable but relevant to what you’re applying for. Avoid overused words like “best”, “experienced”, and “expert.” Instead, think of unique alternatives that hold the same meaning but stand out.
Make an Interesting Summary
When creating a summary, it’s best to focus on highlighting your skills and talents in a way that makes you stand out. List your areas of expertise and experience along with how and why they can contribute to potential employers. Make the summary sound appealing by sharing certain facts or explaining why something matters but avoid making it too long or wordy. If you get too long-winded, employers might skip over it completely.
Take a Professional Photo
Take the time to pick out a clean, professional, and up-to-date picture of yourself to use on your profile. This is one of the first things visitors will notice on your page. It is suggested to have a picture where you are smiling with nothing too distracting in the background to help put create a more personal and polite touch.?
Learn the Importance of Endorsements
Start by linking your profile to your email address book. From there, begin searching for people to connect with. Search through your connections to find other users and identify whether they are deserving of an endorsement. Endorsements can contribute greatly to any LinkedIn profile since it supports the validity of the skills listed. Endorsements are usually given mutually and are shown publicly. Keep your Endorsements list as relevant as possible to boost your credibility in your field.
Ask for Recommendations
Recommendations are equally as important as Endorsements, if not more so. While endorsements offer a quick boost for credibility, Recommendations require more detail and effort. They are made by people who have worked with you in the past, and they are essentially a testimonial of their experience during your time together. The Recommendation section on your profile could make or break an employer’s decision. Reach out to people who you think would create an honest but efficient description of your skills and work ethic.
Marketing yourself is no easy task. Many applicants think that selling the best description of themselves will make them seem self-centered; however, we can assure you that this is not the case. Confidence is a must when it comes to applying for a job, as long as you are being truthful to the things you state in your profile. We want to help you boost your personal brand! For more tips and suggestions, feel free to contact us at