Creating Space For Change: November 2024 Edition

Creating Space For Change: November 2024 Edition

Life is a story, you tell yourself.

In reality, life is a collection of hundreds of stories that you tell yourself. Many of your stories were written before you were eight years old, and another significant chapter of stories were written before you were an adult.

For the most part, you didn’t intentionally write these stories. They were developed based on your experiences, what you were told growing up or what you observed through family, community, school, and social media.

Some of your stories support who you are today. As we age, many no longer support who we become. Which makes sense since so many were written by someone else. Believing in other people’s stories can also create internal conflict and leave you feeling stuck.

It is easy to believe a thought or a post. It takes more effort to be curious.

Take, for example, the story that life is linear—you go to school, graduate, go to university, start your career, get married, have a family, work and retire. This is one of the stories I grew up with. It is what I experienced watching the adults around me. It’s a story that didn’t serve me, but it wasn’t until my early 40’s that I rewrote it.

The New Story

Life is a journey full of adventures and transitions, some expected and many not. Holding this story as my truth has opened me up to possibilities. It has given me permission to try different things, to make choices that support my dreams and to write my own life story.

What story do you need to rewrite?

The next time you hear yourself telling a story, take a few moments to ask yourself if this is true for me today. If it is—great. If it isn’t, take some time to be curious. Try journalling or talking to a friend, family member or a coach.

Lean into the power and freedom of writing your own stories.

Take care,

Coach Lisa

If you would like some coaching help to get started on your new story, book a complimentary 30-minute personal consultation with Lisa Blanchet . Book Here


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