Creating Space for Authenticity on National Coming Out Day
Today is National Coming Out Day, and as someone who has been open about my sexuality for over 20 years, I want to reflect on the importance of creating a safe space for others to be their true, authentic selves. I’m incredibly fortunate to have had a supportive family—coming out to them was easy and uneventful. But even today, not everyone has that experience. There are still people living in fear, afraid to be honest about who they are and who they love.
On this National Coming Out Day, I challenge all of us to think about the people around us. Are we creating environments where they can feel safe to be their authentic selves? This is especially important for our LGBTQ+ youth, who are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide than their peers. For those young members of the community, the fear of rejection, isolation, and violence can be overwhelming.
If you or someone you know needs support, there are resources available. The Trevor Project offers crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ+ youth. For parents, friends, and family members of LGBTQ+ individuals, PFLAG provides support, education, and advocacy to help create inclusive and loving environments.
Most importantly, if you are struggling or considering harming yourself, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or call 988. You are not alone—there is help and support waiting for you.
Let’s all commit to creating a world where everyone, no matter their identity, can feel safe, loved, and valued.
#NationalComingOutDay #LGBTQ+ #BeYourself #CreateSafeSpaces #MentalHealthMatters #TrevorProject #PFLAG #YouAreNotAlone