Creating a Sacred Space

Creating a Sacred Space

I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for when I was house shopping a couple of years ago. I’m an intuitive feeling Pisces, so I just go by feelings for most of my life decisions. I wanted it to feel right. I was house shopping when there was very low inventory, and bidding wars of 30 people bidding way over the asking price was common practice.

I believe in magic, and also that I am a magical manifesting being as we all are. With this in mind, I was holding to the vision of a comfortable peaceful space for my children and I, even when the people around me where freaking out about the housing market. I knew I would find the right space for us.

I didn’t want one of the houses around here that all look the same. I wanted character and a cozy feeling. A master suite and a huge basement would have been fabulous also. As I went through the process of being outbid a couple of times and realizing what I could actually afford, I modified my expectations a bit, but still knew I wanted the right feeling.

I remember texting a friend, “I want to manifest a meditation room in my new house.” I was letting go of the ideal house vision my ego wanted, and my higher self was bringing into my awareness what was really best for me. Coziness, peace and sacredness.

The next week I found a house online that fit the bill. Older, with character and super cute. No master suite or basement, but…a meditation room! I asked my realtor to take me there, and knew when I walked in, before I even saw the meditation room that it was my house. It felt right, cozy with character and good vibes.

It wasn’t perfect by any means. There was only one full bathroom with a shower (sharing that with two teenagers was not what I was hoping for!) There were some scratches in the wood floor, some windows to replace, and a tiny garage. But I loved it. The flaws to me felt like love and character, soul in the house.

The best part of course, was the meditation room. A room, right off of the master bedroom that could be my sacred space. I had never had a space all to myself dedicated to connecting spiritually before. I had always found space and time to do this, on my couch, in my bedroom, outside. It felt great though, to have a whole room just for me and my soul to hang out.

As I was walking through the house with the realtor I remember telling him, “I’m not leaving”. The selling agent was also there and I told her I was also going to buy the house. Again, this was at the time when multiple offers were the norm. I made an offer that day, there was a bidding war, and I spent the next few days when things were being decided, focusing on loving myself and sending positive energy to the house, the sellers and the agents who were making the decision. My realtor encouraged me to write a letter to help my case, so I did, it helped, and the house was mine.

Back to the meditation room. The house, being older and not super updated, also did not have a lot of closet space. I decided to make the room a closet/meditation room. I got garment and shoe racks, and hid them along the sides of the room behind beautiful teal velvet curtains. I displayed my sparkly crystal jewelry along the wall so I could see it all as I get dressed.

I laid the fluffiest rug down and got lots of pillows. I created an altar under the window where I placed many of my sacred objects: gifts from my mom, dad and grandmother who were on the other side, angels and crystals given to me from people I love, oracle cards, singing bowls, smudge sticks, a salt lamp, crystals lined up on the window sill to be charged by the moon, and an orchid to bring in some nature.

The first time I meditated here it felt great. It is peaceful, it feels somewhat separate from the rest of the house, and I felt at home. As time has gone on, I so appreciate this sacred space even more. It is my sanctuary. As I meditate here most days, the sacred energy builds and builds and feels even more like home each time. It is easier and easier to slip into the space between thoughts, the beautiful quiet bliss of connection with the universe.

While I don’t invite many people into this space, it does feel good to those who come in. My three year old niece came to visit last weekend, and spent a long time gathering all of my sacred items from the altar and creating her own “witch supply” area. She came up with this term all on her own, she clearly has the woo woo gene like her tia!

We all have the sacred space gene, just like my niece, even if we aren’t yet aware of it. I have always been very sensitive and have had the awareness of the impact my environment has on me and my sense of wellbeing, but I know not everyone feels this as deeply as I do. Even if you don’t feel it as much, your higher self still craves some space it can connect and feel at peace.

Some ways to create and access this for yourself are:

Finding space:

It doesn’t have to be a whole room like I have. For myself this works great because I have a high need for spiritually connected quiet space. For you it might be a corner of your bedroom, or a beautiful outdoor space, or a spare bedroom.

It just needs to be a space you can return to time after time, where your soul knows it’s time to relax and allow itself to be in the flow of the love of the universe.

Bringing in what you love:

This doesn’t have to be crystals and angels like I have. Those are things I really love that elevate my vibration but they might not do the trick for you.

It’s important to find things that make you feel good. Paying attention to your energy when you find objects to bring into your sacred space. Does it make you feel expansive and joyful? If yes, that is your sign that it would be good to include in your own sacred space.

Spend time there:

Yes I know this sounds simple but it really is important. I know we’re all busy with a lot of things, but our priority should always being connecting with our higher self and the universe.

Without this space and time we won’t focus on the right things to move forward in our lives, we won’t know how we really feel and happiness will be elusive.

I hope you have or will find a magical space for yourself. Your whole being will thank you and reward you by flooding you with positive energy. Have fun!

Shana Olmstead, Intuitive Consultant

I see my life purpose as helping people to awaken to the truth of their divine nature, the powerful spiritual beings that they are. I have assisted hundreds of clients in my therapy practice to wake up to the understanding that we are all made of source energy, and are here to increase our consciousness and joy to help the evolution everyone on the planet. I am so excited and inspired to continue helping people through their own awakening! Contact me to schedule an appointment in person in Kirkland, Washington  or for a phone or video consultation wherever you are located.


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