Creating a Robot with Automation Anywhere and Chat GPT: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Interacting with Chat GPT
Integration Chat GPT and Automation Anywhere

Creating a Robot with Automation Anywhere and Chat GPT: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Interacting with Chat GPT

To develop a robot in Automation Anywhere that can make POST requests to a REST API to receive responses from Chat GPT and process data using the JSON tool, the following steps were taken:

  1. Modularize the code: To make the code easier to debug and maintain in the long term, the code was modularized into different functions. Each function was responsible for a specific task in the robot. Use an orchestrator to call the task.

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2. Make POST requests to the REST API: The robot used POST requests to send messages to Chat GPT and receive responses. This allowed the robot to interact with the chatbot, understand user queries, and respond accordingly.

  • Generate API Keys from Chat GPT

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API Keys

  • Get API Informations

? -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
? -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
? -d '{
? "model": "text-davinci-003",
? "prompt": "",
? "temperature": 0.7,
? "max_tokens": 256,
? "top_p": 1,
? "frequency_penalty": 0,
? "presence_penalty": 0

  • The output must be a dictonary of datas.

3. Use the JSON tool to process data: The robot used the JSON tool to process data received from Chat GPT. This tool allowed the robot to extract relevant information from the data and use it to perform specific tasks.

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Chat GPT Integration Task

4. Implement error handling and exception handling: The robot implemented error handling and exception handling to handle errors gracefully. This ensured that if an error occurred during the execution of the robot, it would be handled seamlessly, and the robot would continue running without crashing.

  • Use the try catch tool to personalize error messages and show error line number in the log.

5. Avoid hard coding: The robot was developed without hard coding, which means all values and parameters used in the robot were passed as inputs or read from a file/orquestrator. This made the robot more flexible and easier to modify in the future.

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By following these steps, the robot developed in Automation Anywhere became a robust and flexible tool that could interact with Chat GPT, process data using the JSON tool, and handle errors seamlessly. These steps ensured that the robot would perform its intended functions without issue.


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