Creating a Relational Database Service in AWS with Terraform

Creating a Relational Database Service in AWS with Terraform


In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, managing databases efficiently is crucial for the success of any application. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a powerful and scalable solution in the form of Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service). This blog post will guide you through the process of creating an Amazon RDS instance using Terraform, a popular infrastructure-as-code tool.

Why Amazon RDS?

Before we dive into the technical details, let's briefly discuss why Amazon RDS is a preferred choice. Amazon RDS takes care of time-consuming database tasks, such as backups, software patching, and automatic failure detection, allowing developers to focus on building robust applications rather than managing database infrastructure.

Pre-Requisite Steps

Before starting with terraform, complet below steps .

1. Create an AWS access key and secret key with Administration Access.

2. Create a VPC and 2 subnets, both should be in different availability zones.

3. Create a Security Group with the neccesary inbound rules.

You’re good to go to start terraform code.

Setting Up Your Terraform Configuration

To get started, create a directory for your Terraform project.

* mkdir terraform_rds

* cd terraform_rds

Inside this directory, you'll need three essential files:



3. terraform.tfvars

Name of the files shouldn’t be changed. : This is the file consists of main terraform code which creates rds with given parametrs.

Paste the below code in ‘ ’.

provider "aws" { 
region = var.region 
access_key = var.access_key 
secret_key = var.secret_key 
# DB subnet group 
# Create a unique name for DB subnet group 
# Gettings subnet_ids and availability_zones into a list from variable 
locals { 
db_subnet_group_name = "${var.project_name}_subnet_group_${formatdate("YYYYMMDDhhmmss", timestamp())}" 
subnet_ids = [ for data in var.subnets : data["subnet_id"] ] 
availability_zones = [ for data in var.subnets : data["availability_zone"] ] 
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "rds_mysql_subnet_group" { 
name = local.db_subnet_group_name 
subnet_ids = local.subnet_ids 
# RDS MySQL Instance 
resource "aws_db_instance" "rds_mysql_database_instance" { 
identifier = "${var.project_name}-database-instance" 
allocated_storage = var.database_allocated_storage 
max_allocated_storage = var.database_max_storage 
availability_zone = local.availability_zones[0] 
db_subnet_group_name = 
vpc_security_group_ids = var.security_group_ids 
db_name = var.initial_database_name 
engine = var.engine 
engine_version = var.engine_version 
instance_class = var.database_instance_class 
username = var.database_username 
password = var.database_password 
publicly_accessible = true 
skip_final_snapshot = true 
deletion_protection = false 
backup_retention_period = 7 
delete_automated_backups = false 
ca_cert_identifier = var.ca_certificate 
# Storing Data in variables 
locals { 
db_instance_name = aws_db_instance.rds_mysql_database_instance.identifier 
db_resource_id = aws_db_instance.rds_mysql_database_instance.resource_id 
db_instance_endpoint = aws_db_instance.rds_mysql_database_instance.address 
# Writing all collected data inside a file 'rds_mysql_data.json' 
resource "null_resource" "write_to_json" { 
triggers = { 
always_run = "${timestamp()}" 
depends_on = [ aws_db_instance.rds_mysql_database_instance ] 
provisioner "local-exec" { 
command = <<-EOT 
echo '{ 
"db_instance_name": "${local.db_instance_name}", 
"db_resource_id": "${local.db_resource_id}", 
"db_instance_endpoint": "${local.db_instance_endpoint}" 
}' > rds_mysql_data.json 


Above code takes variables which are defined in file.

Paste the below code in ‘ ’.

“ “ “
variable "region" { 
type = string 
sensitive = true 
variable "access_key" { 
type = string 
sensitive = true 
variable "secret_key" { 
type = string 
sensitive = true 
variable "project_name" { 
type = string 
variable "vpc_id" { 
type = string 
variable "subnets" { 
type = list(map(string)) 
default = [ { 
"subnet_id" : "value", 
"availability_zone" : "value" 
} ] 
variable "security_group_ids" { 
type = list(string) 
variable "initial_database_name" { 
type = string 
default = "rds_mysql_db" 
variable "database_username" { 
type = string 
sensitive = true 
variable "database_password" { 
type = string 
sensitive = true 
variable "engine" { 
type = string 
variable "engine_version" { 
type = string 
variable "database_instance_class" { 
type = string 
variable "database_allocated_storage" { 
type = number 
default = 10 
variable "database_max_storage" { 
type = number 
default = 20 
description = "It should be greater than database_allocated_storage" 
variable "ca_certificate" { 
type = string 
default = "rds-ca-rsa2048-g1" 

” ” ”        

The actual values of this variables are stored in ‘terraform.tfvars’ file.

Paste the below lines in ‘terraform.tfvars’

# AWS Region 
region = "REGION" 
# AWS Access Key 
access_key = "ACCESS_KEY" 
# AWS Secret Key 
secret_key = "SECRET_KEY" 
# Any name, used as idetifiers for aws resources 
project_name = "PROJECT_NAME" 
vpc_id = "VPC_ID" 
# Subnet ID's with availability_zone in a list of map 
# E.g. Here, 2 subnets are taken 
# subnets = [ 
# { 
# "subnet_id" : "subnet-023504", 
# "availability_zone" : "ap-south-1a" 
# }, 
# { 
# "subnet_id" : "subnet-02355456", 
# "availability_zone" : "ap-south-1b" 
# } 
# ] 
subnets = SUBNETS 
# Security Group IDs in a list 
#E.g. security_group_ids = ["sg-02124","sg-21412","sg-2121"] 
security_group_ids = SECURITY_GROUPS_IDS 
# Database name created at the time of launching database instance 
initial_database_name = "DATABASE_NAME" 
# Database admin username 
# Constraints: 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters. The first character must be a letter. 
database_username = "DATABASE_USERNAME" 
# Database admin password 
# Constraints: At least 8 printable ASCII characters. Can't contain 
# any of the following: / (slash), '(single quote), "(double quote) and @ (at sign). 
database_password = "DATABASE_PASSWORD" 
# Engine name, 
# E.g. "mysql" for mysql and "postgres" for postgresql 
engine = "ENGINE" 
# Engine version for mysql 
# E.g. "8.0" 
engine_version = "ENGINE_VERSION" 
# Instance type for database 
# E.g. "db.t3.medium" 
database_instance_class = "DATABASE_INSTANCE_CLASS" 
# Database Storage in GBs 
# This is the minimum storage database will have initially 
# E.g. 15 (For 15GB) 
database_allocated_storage = DATABASE_STORAGE 
# Database Maximum storage 
# It is the maximum limit of storage that a database can expand to 
# It should be greater than database_allocated_storage 
# E.g. 20 (For 20GB), 
database_max_storage = MAX_DATABASE_STORAGE        

Fill the variables in terarform.tfvars files . Example values are given here.

This is a critical file as it contains all the credentials, so take a note of that.


Till now, all the required files are created, and variabled are filled with their required values.

Let’s now create the actual Infrastucture.

Initialize the Directory as terraform project,

* terrform init

Apply the terraform code,

* terraform apply

Run above command, it will first show us what are the resource it is going to create and ask us for the confirmation, write ‘yes’ and press enter for proceed.


Now, When it completes, you will find a json file named as ‘rds_mysql_data.json’. This file contains three information :

Name of created RDS


Endpoint of RDS to connect

Accessing Your RDS Instance

Once Terraform completes the provisioning, you can find the endpoint in the json file. Use these details to connect to your RDS instance using your preferred database client.

We have successfully connected to the RDS .


In this blog post, we explored the process of creating an Amazon RDS instance using Terraform. Leveraging infrastructure as code allows for version control, repeatability, and collaboration in managing AWS resources efficiently.

Amazon RDS, combined with Terraform's simplicity and power, provides a seamless solution for handling relational databases in the AWS cloud. As you embark on your cloud journey, mastering tools like Terraform becomes essential for maintaining a scalable and manageable infrastructure.

Now, armed with your newly created RDS instance, you're ready to build and deploy applications that harness the full potential of a reliable and scalable database service in AWS. Happy coding!


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