Creating a PRODUCT from Scratch
Jason Okerman
Staff Product Manager with experience leading hardware, software, and robotics
THE THIRD AND FINAL week is finally here.
It's been stretching.
And thoroughly fulfilling.
I have created art sketches for fun since I was young, but only about 3 years ago started to push into Art as a discipline. Two years ago, I began showing my original work, and almost immediately I encountered a barrier - which I will restate as a question:
How to reach people with my own artistic works, in a world where you can download for free the best works of genius ever created?
The answer I stumbled on was to combine my artwork with another element of value, so that it became an integrated whole. For me this meant crafting a PRODUCT out of scattered concepts that I used to call PROJECTS. An art project has no definite audience, and, it has no solid end date since there is no criteria for the finish line. In contrast, an artistic product has a very clear audience (the people you hope will want it). And it has a very clear finish criteria (do people actually want their own copy yet?).
Creating a product from scratch is not for everyone, but it has captured my imagination and attention for the last 15 months. The mountain of logistics is lot taller than I expected. Every facet and detail begs for more time. It takes discipline to continue to shift my focus back to the core task of packing value and quality into my design.
This October, I am thrilled to be crowd-funding my very first artistic PRODUCT.
It is LIVE now, and this is the THIRD AND FINAL WEEK.
And with any luck, this could be the first of many steps on a new and inspiring adventure.
Sincerely, Jason Okerman
- (P.S. If you’d like to take a glance, the shortcut link is: )