Creating a positive self-image
Whether we like it or not we as individuals create a self-image by our actions.?This self-image is projected and evaluated by those with whom we interact.?It is extremely important in the business world of today.?As part of an organization how we project ourselves has an impact on how the organization for which we work is perceived. We tend to think of self-image in terms of an individual but self-image plays a role in business as the topic of this article implies.?The image that is projected for a business is a combination of the images of the workforce and how they interact with the customers.?
????The global economy as it is today and the success of businesses can in large part be impacted by images that companies project through the actions of those who work for them.?Companies sometimes try to project an image that they care about their customers through policy statements but if their actions do not support their policies their image and reputation suffers.?This can impact keeping the customers they have and pushing away potential customers. This is an example of an image failure and has an impact on the customers they currently have and potential customers they hope to have.?Customers today like it when companies say what they mean and mean what they say.?
????All of us have responsibilities either as an individual or as part of an organization.?The manner in which we accomplish these responsibilities projects an image.?If our responsibilities involves interacting with customers face to face or by telephone or correspondence the manner in which we interact determines if a customer is satisfied or unsatisfied after the interaction.?
????The concept of self-image also involves government and the departments and agencies within it.?Many decisions are made not only through the legislative branch of government but also the departments and agencies which are involved in day to day decisions.?Decisions are not always welcomed by those who are impacted but the image they project to the public for which they are responsible may feel frustrated if they continually affect their lives.
????Many governments around the world today are creating self-images many of which are not well received by the rest of the world.?The image we project as an individual and as a government can stay with us a long time.?If the image we project is not one we care to have based on our actions it is difficult to reverse.?Positive images impact us in ways we may not know or realize and negative images do the same.????
????As individuals and if we are part of a government organization we need to realize the kind of image we project and ask ourselves if it is one we want to have.?Currently governments in many cases are in hard economic times and when they create laws, rules and regulations they can impact and project an image that they do not care about those they represent.?Citizens have opinions and those opinions must be heard by government in making the decisions their public feels needs to be done.?If government does not make decisions in relation to citizens opinions or just plain ignore them the acceptance of their actions with impact their future if citizens have a say in who represents them in the future.
????Government and those who work for them must make decisions in the best interest of their country with respect to what citizens want to see take place.?Making decisions with respect to political party positions may not always be what the country needs.?These kinds of actions develops a negative self-image rather than a positive one.