Creating positive results

Creating positive results

This is one of the most challenging times the world has ever known. Wars between nations are devastating because of human loss. Still, nothing in more than a century has impacted global economies the way this pandemic and the reactions to it have. On the contrary, wars have usually jump-started the US economy. And that’s because we, as a people, rise to meet and overcome challenges with positive results. There are examples now of auto manufacturers making ventilators, small business owners retooling to make masks, and distilleries turning their capabilities into making sanitizers. There will be many more. Kudos to them!

We all need to do our part for humankind, our communities, our families, and ourselves. The temptation is to go down the rabbit-hole of misery, commiseration, and depression. Do that if needed – for a few hours – and then pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get yourself ready for the recovery with positive input, positive thoughts, and positive actions that will create positive results. Amanda Weedman, recently wrote on this topic: 4 Strategies to Cope with Grief in the Age of COVID-19.

How will you minimize negative impact and maximize positive results?

Here are five actions you can take now.


Immerse yourself in positive, affirming, and inspiring internal thoughts by focusing on your own self-talk and embracing media that uplifts and develops. Limit negative influences, including the news. News headlines, twice a day should suffice – we don’t need every gory detail. Ask yourself if what you are about to let into your consciousness will improve your situation, including your mental and emotional health. Here are some free resources to keep you positively focused on the prize.

  • Insight Timer, the website and app with meditation music, guided meditations, insightful talks, and content for kids, offers tons of free content
  • Use your mobile devices first thing in the morning and the last thing at night using one of The Best Motivation Apps of 2019
  • Listen to some of the top Motivational Speakers in the world


Are you qualified for any of the employment needs currently available, including the sudden but probably temporary needs of Amazon, grocery stores, and any other company or industry now required? There are many online resources like the Goodwin Recruiting Job Board and others like Monster, Indeed, and Career Builder.


Habit 7 from the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People applies perfectly to our current situation. There are currently more free online learning options than there have ever been. If you have downtime, take maximum advantage of it. Expand your tech skills. Learn how to be a better manager.


As the saying goes, if you don’t know where you want to be, any road will get you there. Identify what will make and keep you happy for the long haul. What are your highest priorities? Consider aspects of the following categories: Relationships, Personal Development, Health & Appearance, Career, and Finances. If your big goal is to be happy in every area of your life, what will that look like? Write out and read daily affirmations. Create a digital vision album that you review once a day. Work on bulldozing beliefs that hold you back.


In addition to the skills and knowledge above, you need to prepare yourself to re-enter the workforce. My colleague, John Paul, wrote an excellent blog on this subject earlier this week: Diversifying Your Resume for the New Era of Hiring and Training.

Are you seeking positive results in your job search or for your business during these unprecedented times?

Goodwin Recruiting is here to assist you.

Here at Goodwin Recruiting, we understand the challenges that our clients and candidates are facing. We invite you to connect with one of our recruiters about your job search or contact us if you’d like to explore how we may help you as a client.

To view this blog post and other recruiter insights, visit


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