Creating Positive Change
Tim Burrows
Traffic Safety and Law Enforcement Advocate, Public Speaker and Former National Law Enforcement Liaison Program Manager at Governors Highway Safety Association and Retired Police Officer
"What should we be sharing with the community (on social media)?"
This is a question I get a lot when working on strategies with agencies.
It's followed closely by, "What platforms should we be using?"
First question first...
You are in a brand new year and while you might not have all your stats and data collected you have a solid idea of the 5 issues that most impacted your community.
- Break and enters?
- Thefts?
- Traffic?
- Assaults?
- Robberies?
What ever they are, the issues have a direct impact on the quality of life of your community.
Target the 5 biggest issues faced by you and your community with strategic communications to educate, inform and protect your citizens.
On a regular basis (daily), put out information that addresses those 5 issues in creative and professional ways.
Make sure you are responding to questions and comments from your community. Yes, both positive and negative comments deserve responses.
Keep track of what messaging is getting attention both in the content of the messaging and in the medium you use. Video, text, image, combinations... they will show what your community is interested in seeing and what is working.
Once you have an analytic answer to what is working, double down on that strategy and pour more attention into it. Then analyze again, rinse and repeat.
Second question...
Where is your community receiving your message best?
What platforms do you have the capacity and ability to use consistently?
Those are the platforms you should be using. Meet your community where they are, not where you are.
Contrary to what a lot of people say, your website can still be an intricate part of your messaging. Don't ignore it. It should be dynamic and changing even if all you do is have your social media channels listed or showing the latest information that you've provided.
Don't forget the power of the main stream media. I guarantee you that they have a bigger reach than you do. Share your information with them. Even design content that is pre-packaged for their use.
If you have any questions about this any other social media or communications related issues, I'll be happy to talk with you.
Email or phone anytime.
[email protected] or 213-267-2428