Creating An Open Dialogue With Our Children
COOL TO BE ME offers both Parents and Educators a framework which will assist them in opening up a dialogue with their children and students. We have become a society that is so focused on the outside world and what other people are doing and how they are behaving that we have forgotten who we are. We never allow ourselves and children the time to just daydream. So much of our precious time is spent looking at screens and reacting to other people’s comments and comparing ourselves to their situations that we leave very little space and time to think about our own emotions and desires. As parents we get caught up in the fear of our children not being the best, being afraid that they won’t succeed and have forgotten that part of the learning process is in the attempting to succeed and failing. Failure is what builds character, it’s what strengthens our resolve to be better, do better, it allows us the space to become more creative, to discover our talents and to be able to express them. We are so busy making sure that our children are the same as everyone else that we don’t see who they are. Not everyone is expected to be a scientist, or the greatest sportsman or the most creative, our children have beautiful innate gifts that go unnoticed because we are so focused on who we think they should be that we miss them. Allow your child the time to daydream make time for special conversations, explore other possibilities with them and allow them to lead the way. We need to stop hovering over them and allow them the space to be who they need to be. Have you ever sat down as a family and discussed your family values? You might be surprised to find out what each member thinks and what their values are different from what you thought they might be? We need to get back to the fundamentals of family and school values. Values are powerful tools that allow our children to express their wants and needs based on the importance of how they want to feel and be treated. It creates a safety net, enhances their emotional responsibility towards themselves and others by creating mutual and self-respect. It gives them a strong sense of pride, enhances confident positive behaviours and outcomes for all concerned and creates unity within the family and school.