Creating an Oasis of Calm
We all need a measure of peace. It might sound like a challenge when we’re surrounded each day by so much noise and by so many distractions. Especially when the people around us are blissfully unaware of our need for tranquility, but there is a very good reason for immersing ourselves in a cocoon of perfect peace. It can provide you with a deeply healing experience and a source of relief from the stresses and pressures of everyday life. So, how do you cultivate your very own private and personal retreat from the daily demands of work and home?
There are several approaches to this quest for peace and the answers will initially depend on your circumstances. If you have access to a room where you can close the door and let everyone know that you’d prefer not to be disturbed, this is a literal interpretation of the idea of personal space. But this isn’t always possible or practical. What else can we do? You probably already use a pair of ear phones to listen to music or to talk on your cellphone. Imagine using the earbuds to play a guided meditation or the soothing sounds of Nature. Favourite pieces can be used to create an immediate sense of deep and calming peace as you insulate yourself from the intrusive cacophony of noises that call for your attention.
The deeper and more effective approach is to learn to focus your attention and develop a very healthy immunity to the whirl of distractions that ebb and flow around us. When you practise mindfulness and become more aware of the stream of thoughts and feelings that rush unheeded through the pathways of our minds, you can turn your attention to a point that no longer moves. The stillness that accompanies this form of focus grants a sense of immense stability in a world that is constantly changing. This is one of the great benefits of meditation. You learn to turn down your reactions to the events that you encounter, becoming calmer and less prone to being blown around like a leaf in the wind. The world assumes a different appearance. You free yourself from the habit of wasting enormous amounts of energy on the old habits of stress, anxiety and fear. A new and healthier reality emerges. You discover that the precious oasis of calm resides within you. You are now free to enjoy it whenever and wherever you wish.