Creating a New World of Vibrant Aromas in Flower C. Sativa
Deep Terpene Preservation and Optimization? Technology
What is DTPO??
DTPO? or Deep Terpene Preservation and Optimization? Technology, is something truly unique to cannabis storage. It is essentially a terpene and aroma upscale technology, helping your flower maximize all the terpene production chemical reactions possible so it maximizes the “resolution” of the smells. To use this technology, simply heat seal your TerpLoc? bag with the flower inside.?
What is resolution?
Resolution in the fields of video and audio stands for the amount of detail the media holds. Over time, we have developed technologies to allow us to see greater details in the same amount of space.?
For sound, the resolution gained via technology has allowed us to hear greater subtleties and details in our music by reproducing more points of the soundwave than before.
For smells, the increased “resolution” comes from the increased intensity of existing terpenes and the development of rare and hard to find terpenes from the flower.
For our nose, DTPO? “upscales” the resolution of aroma of your flower by maximizing the Terpene-Positive chemical reactions to both enhance existing terpenes and develop all the uncommon sesquiterpenes as delineated by the cultivar’s genetic potential.
How does DTPO? work?
DTPO? works by reducing the impact of all cannabis terpene reduction factors to zero or close to zero. These factors include:
1)????Temperature Degradation
2)????UV Light Degradation
3)????Moisture-based Degradation
4)????Internal Chemical Reactions (e.g. Oxidation)
5)????Terpenes lost via VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Emissions
The first 3 factors are well known factors that most growers are familiar with. Temperature is the only factor that requires additional inputs from the user. TerpLoc? reduces UV light dramatically and will be able to maintain the perfect relative humidity for the flower, allowing the respiration process to be optimized for Terpene production.
Factor 4 is oxidation and other reactive processes. This is where the advantages of TerpLoc? and DTPO? become extremely apparent. Terpenes, due to their molecular structure, have high oxidation activities with various compounds such as ozone, NO3, OH, etc. This oxidation process creates unwanted gasses such as formaldehyde and other secondary aerosols. Note that the reaction requires both Terpenes and the other gasses in the atmosphere. This is key because traditional curing methods such as using a specialized HVAC system or burping jars/totes, all involve some level of airflow or air replacement. This means that the atmosphere in which the flower is stored is constantly replacing the gasses that contribute to oxidation, the ozone, NO3, OH, etc. Since the airflow is necessary in order to “flush out” the excess moisture/humidity in the atmosphere, there is no way for a traditional cure to get around this terpene destroying activity.
For Grove Bags’ TerpLoc? technology, our curing process is more of a fermenting-type process. When you zip up a TerpLoc? bag with flower, once the relative humidity is settled, the bag will offgas the excess moisture and oxygen at a set rate, removing the need for airflow to accomplish this task. In relation to the oxidation activities, because the air is not always changed, the number of oxidation compounds will decline over time until there are very little if any of those molecules. That’s why we always recommend a longer cure, because in the later stages of the cure, especially in an unopened bag, the flower goes into a “super optimal” curing state, where loss by oxidation is reduced to zero, so all those terpenes you would have lost to some kind of oxidation chemical process are all still preserved. Now we are all talking about terpenes and how they react inside the cell walls of the flower and trichomes. What about the terpenes that are emitted into the atmosphere of the bag as a VOC?
Factor 5 is the VOC emission related loss for terpenes. From what we know so far, the aromatic scent of cannabis is from a combination of VOCs and VSCs, with terpenes being a class of VOC. If you can smell it, then VOC is being emitted from the plant. Terpenes are emitted into the atmosphere from the plant at a baseline rate that is determined by the genetic potential of the particular cultivar. For sesquiterpenes, a particularly novel effect is its tendency to condense on the surface of plants rather than remaining in the atmosphere. These VOCs can be expected to give rise to organic acids and other reaction products[1]. We’ve already talked about the other reaction products for Factor 4, that includes all the oxidation reactions. However, organic acid synthesis is the process that interests us, we call this the Terpene Recycling Process, since the terpene is emitted from the plant but ends up back on the plant to create some other organic acids that most likely help in developing more and different terpenes. However, most packages, including ours, have zippers that are porous and not hermetically sealed; therefore, even with the zippers fully closed, there will be VOCs (terpenes) diffusing through the zipper and into the atmosphere. This exit of VOCs, although very slow, will accumulate over time. That’s why heat sealing is the most important part of the DTPO? technology. You want to lock all the terpenes inside and let the Terpene Recycling Process happen to the maximum extent while reducing the oxidation reactions to a minimum. As time goes on, the oxidation process will slow down due to a reduction of oxidation molecules, while the Terpene Recycling Process will most likely still be going full steam, if not at a higher rate.
How does the Terpene Recycling Process work exactly? More research is needed in understanding these reactions that occur on the plant surface and in the immediate atmosphere surrounding the plant.
What we do know is our test data shows up to 20% gain of any specific terpene, with a total terpene gain of up to 37% for any given cultivar when placed in the TerpLoc? compared to competitors. In addition, many of our users have reported a much stronger aromatic scent from a bag that has some air still in the package vs vacuum sealed, and the research seems to support both of these factors as a function of the Terpene Recycling Process created by the DTPO? technology.
That is why TerpLoc? is so unique and, like many of our fans are saying, “the best thing since sliced bread.” Technologically, it is an absolute marvel to create such an environment that not only can provide a more convenient cure, but a unique cure that cannot be replicated anywhere else. All 5 factors of Terpene degradation need to be addressed for the Perfect Cannabis Climate, and the only tool to create that is TerpLoc?.
[1] ????????Jarmo K. Holopainen; Jonathan Gershenzon (2010). Multiple stress factors and the emission of plant VOCs. , 15(3), 181-182.????????doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2010.01.006????