Creating the Most Suitable Recruitment Strategy to Build your Sales Team
The sales team you have can massively impact the revenue you make. So why not create a strategy to ensure you are hiring the right people for your business / team.
Step 1: Hire at the right time
Before even beginning the hiring process, you need to ensure you actually have the time to execute the process properly. There will be times when hiring is more urgent than others – maybe someone has resigned out of the blue for example. However, rushing this process will be detrimental only to yourself and the success of the team.
Furthermore, it’s also important to be assessing your team. Here are some things you can look out for:
My point here is to look at the data to help you analyse the above. If the data backs up the trends you are seeing, it could be worth starting to think about recruiting.
Step 2: Writing your position description
I’ve said this before in previous posts so I don’t mean to sound like a broken record but please do not use a generic PD, or a PD that is 5 years old. Candidates can tell and it doesn’t make you look too good.
Your PD should include:
Step 3: Create your interview process
I don’t want to spend too much time here as this is something I have covered quite a lot recently. These are the important points to consider:
Step 4: Offering
Great! You have selected the candidate you want to offer and are excited to call and let them know. Ensure you haven’t made any last minute changes. The candidate has asked for $80K plus super? This isn’t the time to tell them that the budget only stretches to $70K plus super.
Hiring is a two way street and you still need to convince them that your business is the best place for them to be. I would recommend reiterating why the job is a good fit for them, and then clearly outline their compensation package and other perks of the role.
Further, ensure the written offer is in their inbox within 48 hours of verbally offering (ideally 24 hours).
Step 5: Retention
The recruitment strategy does not end at offer stage. Now the hard work begins.
Ensure you are fully prepared to onboard your new sales employee. Even if the role is urgent and they’re available immediately, don’t allow them to start the following Monday if their laptop and phone wont be ready.
Ways that you can retain your future and current employees:
Each employee is different and are motivated by different things in the workplace. This also changes over time. 2 years ago, most Sales candidates I spoke to were motivated by monetary compensation solely. Now however, things such as flexible working are overtaking that. Therefore, this conversations should happen frequently so you can stay on top of the needs of your team, and then use this to drive and adjust your recruitment strategy as required.
If the above is clear, when you interview the right candidate, you will know. The market is tight and you don’t have the luxury of time to choose between candidates by adding in another interview round or implementing a test. This still isn’t a good look when the market isn’t candidate short. Candidates want to feel confident that you know what you’re looking for.?