Creating A Morning Routine For A Child With ADHD
Tips for parents
Mornings can be a chaotic and stressful time for any family, but for those with neurodivergent children, they can be even more challenging.?
Children with ADHD can struggle with routines and structure, making it difficult to get out the door on time and start the day off on the right foot. However, implementing a morning routine can help create a sense of predictability and stability for these children, reducing anxiety and minimizing meltdowns.
The first step is to establish a wake-up time. Make sure your child has enough time to fully wake up and get ready without feeling rushed. Consistency is key, so try to make the wake-up time the same every day.
Next, take a look at other routines your child already has in place, such as mealtimes and bedtime, and evaluate what’s working and what’s not. Incorporate the elements that work well into your child’s morning routine and avoid the ones that don’t.
Rewarding your child for completing their routine can be more effective than punishing them for not sticking to it. Consider involving your child in choosing their own rewards, such as TV time or a favorite meal. This can provide extra motivation and make the routine more enjoyable.
When implementing your child’s morning routine, it’s important to include them in the planning process and start slow. Make sure to create a routine that is manageable and enjoyable for your child, and incorporate rewards to keep them motivated.?
With a little patience and consistency, you can create a productive and stress-free morning routine for your ADHD child.