Scott Dutton BSW. BSc. CSP.
? #1 Difficult Conversations Expert ? Australian Breakthrough Speaker of the Year ? CEO of Fighting Fair? ? Conflict + Communication + Team Culture Thought Leader ? Master Virtual + F2F Trainer ? On Bundjalung Country
I wanted to share a real (+ fairly common) situation.
"Can you help?"
This was asked in frustration by a leader who contacted me with an array of concerns in relation to the team culture they had recently inherited. It was rife, they explained, with unhealthy + unsettling behaviours that were impacting productivity + wellbeing.?
The new leader was saddled with a plethora of disaffected staff historically stemming from a merging of services, subsequent high caseloads and a lack of executive consultation/engagement. Staff were unhappy and divided, with the management team and with each other. In response, cliques formed, staff left or went on stress leave, workplace allegations ensued and lengthy investigations were instigated by HR - in response, the former leader quit. This then led to a further cycle of overwork for those that remained to hold the fort and service clients which then led to more stress leave and less client service, and so it goes on.
The new leader was obviously keen to steady the ship hence the "Can you help?" phone call for assistance. In my role as a Mindful Team Culture (MTC) facilitator, I am often contacted by leaders requesting team culture training - either as a leader dealing with a dynamics crisis and struggling to deal with conflict/division within the team OR as a leader wanting to proactively strengthen (or sustain) an already healthy team.
In returning to the case study above - upon further discussion and assessment, we decided to facilitate a 2-day session for the entire team (40+). First and foremost in the MTC process, a safe space is created to identify existing strengths to utilise + build upon. We then (constructively) identify and explore the issues/concerns/challenges that are worked on by revolving sub-groups to create a mutually agreed action plan where all have buy-in and responsibility to implement. We then explore above and below the line behaviours for the group. The question is asked:
What behaviours do you (as a team) want to see + celebrate and what behaviours do you (as a team) no longer want to tolerate?
While many organisational values are now correlated with behaviours, these are often a top-down (wordy) deliverance rather than a grounded (active) ownership. The creation of above and below the line behaviours for the group by the group ensures responsibility for team lived experience of the culture. We also discuss and workshop the importance of accountability - how to give licence to each other to call it in (curious questioning of behaviour) or call it out (assertive reminding of appropriate behaviours). To further develop sustainability of the agreed outcomes, a 3 month follow up with the team to discuss progress and required adjustments is scheduled.
See an example ABOVE + BELOW THE LINE BEHAVIOURS CHART as created by a team* during the MTC process. *permission was granted by the organisation to share this graphic.
In tandem with Difficult Conversations and Mediation + Conflict Resolution, MTC is my most requested training. This process has evolved organically from my capacity to resolve large group conflict and to also, build team connection. Dealing with tricky dynamics is not for the faint-hearted facilitator nor can it be dealt with by an off-the-shelf training that may, at best, only wallpaper over the cracks. Getting issues on the table and working through them constructively + authentically takes the skill of a facilitator who has had many years of conflict resolution (mediation) practice. The issues need to be discussed as a process and not diverted by process.
Most organisations are now awake to the importance of dealing with destructive dynamics and are unwilling to allow toxic cultures to linger and fester - they know fractured cultures come at an enormous cost to both productivity and wellbeing. A lose-lose. MTC training is a healthy investment and far less expensive than an unhealthy culture impacting to the point you are struggling to retain staff (including those you value highly). Annual (or regular) MTC sessions are a no-brainer.
The question for you as leaders?
Is your team aware of above and below the line behaviours and thereby actively implementing a mindfully chosen culture? If not, you risk unhealthy behaviours running rogue. Team culture needs to be a mutually responsible and collaboratively lived experience to realise a healthy and productive work environment. Cut unnecessary drama and stress from the workplace. Clear + create: clear the cultural? debris and consciously create a fabulous team!
As always, let me know if I can be of any assistance to you + your team/ organisation with: conflict + communication + (team) culture training workshops (open or in-house) or conference keynotes.
As always, happy to have a chat to discuss the conflict + communication + culture learning needs of you + your team.
Until then, enjoy your conflict! Scott ??