Creating the metasploitable 3 VM

1. Install prerequisite software

a. Download and install the latest version of Oracle VirtualBox.

b. Download and install vagrant (choose the x86 or x64 version). Reboot afterward

c. Install vagrant reload the plugin, from command prompt just type:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload

2. Download the zip-file of metasploitable 3 masters from GitHub from URL and extract from on any location

3. Download packer from URL, and extract in the same location of the content extracted from the metasploitable 3 master zip file.

4. Tweaking the config file, with increasing the _boot___wait time in the windows_2008_r2.json file - in the unzipped Metasploit 3 directory - from 2m to 10m. This gives the VM enough time to boot before SSH starts listening.

5. From the start menu, search Powershell and run as an administrator.

a. Enter the directory of the location of an extracted metasploitable 3 master zip file using the cd command.

b. Run a command: set-executionpolicy unrestricted

c. Run the script: build.ps1 windows2008

d. You must wait for a couple of hours. Do not forget to stop all of the antivirus detection while the process was running. Based on my experience using Kaspersky, the sensor will stop some steps.

6. On the PowerShell prompt, run this command:

a. vagrant box add packer/builds/ --name=metasploitable3

b. vagrant up

7. You can check on the VirtualBox, will start the metasploitable 3 virtual machines automatically. The password for all of the users (administrator and vagrant) is vagrant.

8. Happy pen-testing.



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