Creating a Lasting Legacy

Creating a Lasting Legacy

Dear fellow Chicagoans,? ?

Last week, the killer of Officer Ella French was found guilty. While we are all relieved this murderer will be off the streets for good, The Chicago Police Foundation's work on the Ella French Scholarships has just begun.?

In its inaugural year of 2023, the Foundation awarded twenty-one students with scholarships totaling $27,000. The scholarships provide financial aid to offset high school expenses such as tuition, supplies, and transportation. During the awards luncheon, I had a chance to meet these exceptional young adults. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as each recipient approached the podium and received a giant hug from Ella's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth French. ?

The Foundation is accepting applications for year two of the scholarships, which runs through May 1st. We have set a goal of doubling last year’s funds, awarding $50,000 to the children of the CPD and those involved in youth police programs. To help support our cause, this year, the Foundation is excited to announce the Inaugural Ella French Scholarships Golf Outing, which will tee off this summer at Tuckaway Golf Club. As we continue to grow our endowment and expand our reach, I am confident that we will make a significant difference in the lives of many. We hope you, too, are inspired by this and encourage you or your business to donate or sponsor us at the golf outing as we continue to advance the program in 2024 and beyond.

The Chicago Police Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to Helping Our Heroes and furthering education to make a brighter future for all Chicagoland students. With your generous tax-deductible contributions, we will continue to do just that while ensuring Officer Ella French's endearing legacy. Please visit our website,, for further information. ?

Sincerely,? ?

Allan Reich, Chicago Police Foundation Board Member



