Is creating killer content for your website a task?
Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

Is creating killer content for your website a task?

The last article read about why we need to keep our website content fresh and updating. Let’s see how we can do it.

The right content strategy is key. Ads do run and fetch customers, but did you know 80% of your customers are looking for information from your articles? Now, that’s what we are challenged at; Producing valuable and target-oriented content, that too regularly. But the fact is, only this type of content drives the audience and revenues.  

Only a dedicated team of content strategists can get this task on the table in time. It requires in-depth knowledge to build that niche expertise and give that extra push towards achieving your website quality in this huge pool of search engines.

Putting yourself in the buyer’s shoes: do not write what you think would be right, just adjust your perspectives according to your buyers. Do not restrict your content just to one small group of buyers, instead count on all your customers and curate content accordingly.

Analyze your content spread: once you analyze the website viewers, the stickiness, it is much easier to address the areas you have not tapped on. If your content team develops a block over time, get an outsider to view it. This can help you avoid repeated content.

See what gets into your content dish: a great dish depends on the ingredients that go into it. Similarly, create a great content mixture to strategize the best outcome of your web content. Informative blogs, expert blogs, testimonials, videos, infographics, newsletters, and many more. List different types of content and schedule a calendar. 

Have your great content ball rolling over time and keep your website updated. 


