Creating invisible folder!!
Karthikeyan Pandiyan
Digital Marketer | Product Marketer | SaaS Growth and Marketing Campaign Strategist | Marketing Automations
Step 1: Create a New Folder.
Step 2: Click to select the folder, then press F2. The name of the folder will become editable.
Step 3: Press Delete. The text will get cleared.
Step 4: (This is the trickiest part) Press ALT with your left hand (do not release it). with your right hand type 255 using the Numpad of your keyboard. When done, release the ALT key. finally press Enter.
Now you have a nameless folder.
Step 5: To make your nameless folder truly Invisible, you need to assign it a invisible icon. Here is how to do it. Right click on the nameless folder and choose Properties.
Step 6: From Customize tab, click on "Change Icon" button.
Step 7: scroll a little to the right side to find this empty space. It's not empty. there is a invisible icon there. click the red marked area, and you will be able to select the invisible icon. Click OK to set the icon.
Now you have a invisible nameless folder. You can only see it if you know it's position. clicking on the area will give you the Blank selection rectangle. If you click elsewhere it will turn invisible again.